Want to know more about the gun ban just passed by J.B. Pritzker and his merry band of gun-control radicals in state government? Want to know some things YOU can do to help fight this and push back? The Illinois Freedom Caucus invites you to a Town Hall event on Tuesday, Feb. 7th.
Doors open at or shortly before 6pm. If you live in south central Illinois, this will be the place to go to get answers.
It’s also on the same night as Guns Save Life’s Pontiac meeting at the Pontiac Sportsman’s Club… so for those in North Central IL that will be the place to go!
Yoder’s has some great food. Come out, order off the menu and enjoy dinner with fellow patriotic, gun-owning Americans to learn more about how the new law will impact you, your family and your guns. (Please patronize this great business and enjoy some great food with dinner ahead of the event.)
Questions? Contact info@illinoisfreedomcaucus.org.