It’s nice having some genuinely aggressive, solidly pro-gun legislators here in Central Illinois. They include both guys in the photo above, State Rep. Brad Halbrook and State Rep. Dan Caulkins, photographed at the January Guns Save Life meeting in Decatur. Caulkins has since gone on to file his own lawsuit in Macon County to block the new Illinois Firearms Ban Act for a voluntary association of gun owners.

Now 2100ish members of the voluntary association known as the Law-Abiding Gun Owners of Macon County are temporarily safe from the Illinois Firearms Ban Act, thanks to a judge’s order yesterdayToday we bring you the official list, as stipulated to the Illinois Attorney General.  

The association provides its members with protection from the state enforcing Gov. Pritzker’s new gun ban without exposing the members to abusive discovery demands from the AG’s office or grueling depositions as part of the state’s push back to the suit.

The Center Square had the revised number after we covered the story of the restraining order mere minutes after its issuance.

(The Center Square) – About 2,100 more Illinois citizens are now safe from the state enforcing Illinois’ gun ban against them after a third temporary restraining order was issued Wednesday.

Macon County Judge Rodney Forbes heard the case in Decatur Friday brought by state Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, Decatur Jewelry & Antiques and about 2,100 other plaintiffs in the group “Law-Abiding Gun Owners of Macon County.”

From the capitol in Springfield Wednesday, Caulkins celebrated the TRO and said it’s another step in a continued legal fight.

“This is a temporary restraining order,” Caulkins told The Center Square. “We have to go through the process to get a permanent order. This is the first step. It is a big step. We look forward to our day in court which we hope will be very soon.”

Here are the names.

In the interests of fair disclosure, yours truly was supposed to be on the list and somehow my name fell through the cracks despite my donation of the suggested $200 to the endeavor. Dan told me last night there are a handful of folks who didn’t make the list and now I find I’m one of them.

I’m not upset. If it can be fixed later, it will be fixed. If not, that’s fine. Here’s why I’m not too upset: First of all this is a temporary restraining order, not indefinite injunctive relief.  Injunctive relief will arrive for all Illinoisans soon, perhaps by the end of the next week for most aspects of the Illinois Firearms Ban Act.  And we (as the Illinois Gun Rights Alliance) will be filing a lawsuit in the coming days to cover many of the other aspects of the law that the other lawsuits haven’t tackled.

8 thoughts on “CAULKINS’ LIST HERE: 2100 more Illinoisans safe from Illinois Firearms Ban Act”
  1. Thank you for posting this! I intend to buy some more magazines today and dedicate my purchases to Fatboy Putzker and his Mini-Me Raoul the Tool. See you in court, indeed.

  2. Hooray for Dan and all those listed in the association. Meanwhile Tom keeps harping on and on about supposed “mistakes” by the attorney, but when isn’t a win, a win? Makes me think that maybe Dan stole Tom’s girlfriend back in high school or something. Also, there is a DeVore listed on Dan’s lawsuit. Could that be a relative?

  3. Big kudos to Rep. Caulkins. What ever happened to DeVore’s pleading on the people who were upset they weren’t listed as named plaintiffs.

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