Life is hard.  Life is harder when you’re stupid.  Genesis Escobar had her whole life ahead of her before she climbed into someone’s car in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood of Chicago Monday afternoon.  She demanded money from them and they shot her dead.  Then they dumped her body out and drove away.

Supposedly they left some cash on her body, too.  Which makes it sound more than a little… complicated.


The UK Daily Mail has the story of her demise:

A pregnant Chicago woman was shot while she was trying to rob somebody in a car, leaving her and her unborn child dead on the street.

Genesis Escobar, 21, was killed after climbing into somebody’s car in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood on Monday afternoon, and then demanding money from them.

It’s unclear if she was armed with any sort of a weapon. 

The moral of the story: armed robbers come in all shapes and sizes. 

6 thoughts on “LIFE IS HARDER WHEN YOU’RE STUPID: Pregnant 21YO woman shot while trying to rob someone in Chicago”
  1. Was she trying to “collect” for “services rendered”, and the “john” thought it was too much? Why throw money out on a dead woman? Something screwey about this one, in my opinion.

  2. I think little Miss Genesis (God, what a great stripper name) had a much-inflated sense of self-worth. At least they left her a tip before driving off!

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