Appalled by Chicago Public Schools allowing a convicted murderer to work as a “trusted adult” around school children each day on one of the “Safe Passage” routes in the City, GSL’s John Boch contacted the CPS Communications office and asked, in writing, how many drug dealers, child sex offenders and murderers they have working around kids.
What is “Safe Passage?” Here, we’ll let Chicago Public Schools explain:
Safe Passage Program
The Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage program is offered to select schools to provide a positive, trusted adult presence for students as they travel to and from school.
Cynical members of the public would note that given the endemic corruption throughout Chicago, there are probably murderers, drug dealers and probably even some child sex offenders working for the program.
Sure enough, the cynics would be right.
Meet Mr. Miguel Morales who until a week or so ago worked as a “Safe Passage” guardian for Chicago Public School children walking the mean streets of Murder City USA to and from school.

In 1993, Mr. Morales was convicted of murder and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Of course in Illinois, prison sentences are a lot like dog years in reverse and Mr. Morales was released from prison early. He applied for and received a part-time job working as a Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage guardian.
And in his spare time since last November, according to Chicago Police, he sold cocaine and who knows what else to an undercover cop. Oh yeah, he helped facilitation the sale of a gun too – just for good measure.
So a murderer is a positive, trusted adult presence for students? Especially one police say is selling cocaine on a regular basis and a gun on occasion? Who is vetting these prospective Safe Passage staffers?
CWB Chicago has the gory details or Mr. Morales:
Chicago — Two gang intervention workers, one of whom is also a Safe Passage worker, sold a gun to an undercover Chicago police officer during a long-term narcotics investigation, prosecutors said Saturday. Both men are also convicted murderers.
Assistant State’s Attorney Zachary Peasall said that the arrests were part of a “complex” drug investigation that has been going on since November.
On December 7, 49-year-old Miguel Morales sold about 30 grams of cocaine to an undercover officer for $1,200 and then reported for work as a Safe Passage employee in the 6300 block of South Rockwell, Peasall said. The officer allegedly bought cocaine from Morales “several” other times during the course of the investigation.
Six weeks later, the Chicago Public Schools continues to run radio silent on the query.
One would think they would proudly proclaim the answer would be “ZERO” if they indeed had no additional murders, child sex offenders or drug dealers working near kids.
Maybe it’s time to FOIA the information…
Working ‘near’ public school students? Felons, drug-dealers and assorted scum work IN the CPS.
They are just empowering these criminals to feel better about themselves and how dare you try to expose them!