While you’ve been distracted with talk of the Ukrainian document release and Dylan Mulvaney’s commemorative Bud Light can, our old pals over at the United Nations have busied themselves coming up with a solution to the world’s problems.  Yep, the high and mighty tin-horn aspiring totalitarians have offered guidance to the nation’s sovereign nations involving crime.

Specifically, these pedophiles and assorted perverts have proposed decriminalizing all offenses relating to sex.  Yep.  Rape.  Criminal sexual abuse.  Child sex abuse.  Child rape.  Female genital mutilation.

Yes, these pervs want to diddle little children and if caught, want nothing more than a diddling ticket, akin to a speeding ticket.

Sounds almost like Joe Biden’s buddies are doing good work to legalize Joe’s pet hobby.

Oh, but that’s not all.

These same misfits and lunatics wnat to decriminalize all crimes related to drug use and abuse, homelessness and poverty.  So the bums who formerly hung out at the homeless shelter can break into empty homes and call dibs.  Because they’re homeless!  Yes, even if they bought illegal drugs with what should have been their rent money.

They also have the temerity to suggest that those opposed to these measures are attacking human rights.

While their brethren over at the same building are actively promoting “small arms” control – specifically in terms of disarming the little people in the nations that recognize the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

Maybe they would like to try to implement either gun confiscations or legalizing child rape here in America.

Those blue helmets will make mighty nice targets.

LiveAction blog has the story of the UN report that CBS and MSNBC couldn’t find the time to report upon:

A new report from the United Nations has called for all forms of drug use and sexual activity to be decriminalized globally.

Written by the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ), UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the report was released on International Women’s Day, with the goal of guiding “the application of international human rights law to criminal law.” Called the “8 March principles,” the report calls for offenses related to “sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty” to be decriminalized.

The United Nations experts say that criminalizing offenses related to these issues constitute an attack on human rights.

“Criminal law is among the harshest of tools at the disposal of the State to exert control over individuals… as such, it ought to be a measure of last resort however, globally, there has been a growing trend towards overcriminalization,” Ian Seiderman, Law and Policy Director at ICJ, said in the press release. “We must acknowledge that these laws not only violate human rights, but the fundamental principles of criminal law themselves.”

READ: ‘Aiding Abusers’ series exposes Planned Parenthood’s complicity in sexual abuse

While on the surface, it may seem relatively uncontroversial, the report calls for sex between adults and minors to be decriminalized, so long as the minors “consent”:

With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.

Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees.

Minors, of course, cannot truly consent to sex with an adult — something these so-called experts should know. The report also calls for all criminal laws relating to sex work to be abolished, which could easily serve to aid traffickers, pimps, and abusers. In turn, this serves the abortion industry as well, which has aided traffickers and abusers by failing to report suspected abuse and returning victims to their abusers after their abortions. Decriminalizing sex work, sex crimes against minors, and abortion would only serve to doubly suit traffickers and abusers, who are known to use abortion as a means to cover up their crimes.

Get the UN out of the US.

And if you needed another reason why YOU should be a gun owner, this should be a very valid one if you have kids or grandkids.

8 thoughts on “UN: Decriminalize rape, child sex abuse, child rape, etc.”
  1. Ha ha ha fat bastard you loose were still getting guns and teaching our kids how to be responsible gun owners ha ha ha you will never know who has the guns and you will never get them go fry in hell meatball

    1. https://icj2.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/8-MARCH-Principles-FINAL-printer-version-1-MARCH-2023.pdf

      The Principles are based on general principles of criminal law and international
      human rights law and standards. They seek to offer a clear, accessible and workable
      legal framework – as well as practical legal guidance – on applying the criminal law
      to conduct associated with:
      † sexual and reproductive health and rights, including termination of pregnancy;
      † consensual sexual activities, including in contexts such as sex outside marriage,
      same-sex sexual relations, adolescent sexual activity and sex work;

      † gender identity and gender expression;
      † HIV non-disclosure, exposure or transmission;
      † drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use; and
      † homelessness and poverty.

    2. So there you have it. If it’s “consensual” anything goes including adolescent sex activity.
      I’d also argue that a liberal interpretation of the language would allow FGM as well.

  2. We’ve been watching Joe Biden inappropriately touching little boys and girls for years. He took showers with his daughter too. He kisses his granddaughter like he’s on a date with her. The guy surely looks like a pedo freak. He’s just hoping they’ll legalize child rape before he dies.

  3. You can damn sure bet ol’ Joey took trips to Epstein’s little love shack too. Lots of trips along with Billy Clinton.

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