Earlier today, we posted a video urging people not to let their neighborhood become like the one in Seattle where two groups of young men postured with one another and then things devolved into a brazen gun battle.  Here, we bring a video example of the robberies that happen in Chicago everyday.  

All these mopes need is a stolen ride, and they ride three or four deep.  They spot people on foot or parking their cars (like Areanah Preston getting home from work) and then swarm them with guns drawn.

Folks, if you see a car driving by you without a sense of purpose, especially one with four occupants, you should be ready for a gun battle.  Try to drive away or run into a public location with other people.  Or seek cover and make your stand.


Cops say these particular thugs pulled this same robbery technique TEN TIMES in 30 minutes Sunday morning.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — A group of armed robbers committed ten holdups in 30 minutes on the West and Northwest Sides, according to Chicago police. At least one of the terrifying robberies was caught on video.

In a community alert issued Sunday evening, CPD said four men committed all the crimes. Wearing ski masks and black hoodies, they bolted from one victim to the next in a gray Hyundai Elantra.

“They robbed my dad at gunpoint and he was severely assaulted,” a relative of one victim wrote on the Belmont Cragin United Facebook page. Chicago police confirmed that the robbers physically attacked the 58-year-old man. The Facebook user shared a video of the armed robbery.

CPD said the same group committed similar robberies in the following locations, targeting victims who were either on the sidewalk or parking vehicles:

  • the 3900 block of West North Avenue in Humboldt Park at 7:20 a.m.
  • the 3900 block of West Le Moyne in Humboldt Park at 7:30 a.m.
  • the 1800 block of North Kedvale in Hermosa at 7:32 a.m.
  • the 4100 block of West Wabansia in Hermosa at 7:34 a.m.
  • the 4400 block of West Palmer in Hermosa at 7:35 a.m. and again at 7:37 a.m.
  • the 4300 block of West Dickens in Hermosa (video above) at 7:38 a.m.
  • the 2200 block of North Kenneth in Hermosa at 7:40 a.m.
  • the 1700 block of North Pulaski in Hermosa at 7:41 a.m.
  • the 4100 block of West Palmer in Hermosa at 7:50 a.m.
7 thoughts on “HELLHOLE: THIS is Chicago thanks to Kim Foxx and criminal justice ‘reform’”
  1. Former Vice Lord passaround Kimm Foxx isn’t running again, but I am sure the powers that be can trot out someone even worse, paid for by fellow traveler and international stukach Georgy Soros.

    Chicago should be nuked until it glows like the Aurora Borealis. It is the anal cancer on the body of America.

    1. LOL. Tell us how you really feel.
      Just give the good people a day or two to get out of there first.

  2. Maybe that turret option on the new SUV is actually mandatory. In Shitago anyway.

  3. Looking forward to the day when we see video of someone taking out a whole carload of this trash, Bernard Goetz style.

  4. Hell hole indeed. I saw that the commie mayor created three deputy mayors by executive orders. One for illegals, one for “labor” and another for alternative justice.

  5. Here’s a great business idea for someone who wants to stay in Shitcago….. A funeral home that also rents U-Haul trucks. You can’t lose !!!!

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