Oak Park PD Chief Shatonya Johnson says “gun violence” has no place in her community. This after a gang shootout during a funeral procession at just after high noon in Oak Park, IL that left four wounded. And nobody in custody.

First off, Ms. Shatonya, it’s not gun violence, it’s GANG VIOLENCE. Secondly, why only gun violence? Which sorts of violence are welcome in her Chicago suburb?
And “gun violence” has no place in your community? Maybe you could hang a sign on the roads into town announcing that in addition to “no racism,” that “gun violence” is equally unwelcome. After all, those “gun free zone” signs work so well at stopping crime across Illinois, but particularly in Chicago, right?
From FoxNews national… and congrats to Oak Park for making the national news for Chicago-style violence in their city:
Four people were shot on Saturday during a funeral procession in a western Chicago suburb, authorities said.
According to the Oak Park Police Department, the shooting occurred in suburban Oak Park, Illinois at approximately 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 10.
“The incident is believed to be targeted amongst members of the procession without any impact to any bystanders,” police wrote in Twitter post…
Police said that two individuals were struck and transported to the Loyola Medical Center. One of the individuals is in critical condition while the other victims is in critical, but stable condition, police said.
Two additional victims were shot by stray bullets and transported to Rush Oak Park Hospital and were treated for non-life-threatening injuries.
Some of the comments on the FoxNews story were priceless:
Here’s the actual report from Oak Park PD:
Shooting on Madison Street under investigation
June 10, 2023 – Oak Park Police are investigating a shooting that occurred in the midst of a funeral procession at about 1 p.m. Saturday on the 900 block of Madison St. that left four Chicago men with gunshot wounds.
Police officials say the funeral procession was traveling westbound on Madison from Chicago to a cemetery in Des Plaines when passengers in a white pickup truck pulled alongside one of the vehicles in the procession and began firing weapons, striking two passengers. Both victims were transported to Loyola Medical Center where one is in critical condition and the other is in critical but stable condition.
Two passengers in a second vehicle in the processional were also struck with gunfire. Both victims self-transported to Rush Oak Park Hospital and were treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Multiple shell casings were recovered at the scene but no bystanders were injured in the shooting.
“While there is no indication of any further threat to the community stemming from this incident, any act of gun violence such as this does great harm to our collective sense of safety,” Police Chief Shatonya Johnson said. “Our job as law enforcement officials is to bring the individual or individuals responsible for this crime to justice to make clear that senseless gun violence has no place in our community or any community for that matter.”
Chief Shatonya Johnson? “Gun violence has no place in our community” she said. What about other forms of violence?
If Chief Shatonya Johnson can’t properly identify the problem (GANGS) instead of pretending that guns just start shooting on their own, then this problem will never go away.
Did she get her post through a meritocracy or did she get it as part of Oak Park’s political class wanting DEI?
Here’s a shot of some of the department’s officers from their Twitter page.

Police officials say the standard protocol is for funeral homes to alert law enforcement agencies along the route of potentially high-risk funeral processions so officers can assist with traffic flow and the safety of participants and the public along the route. No such alert was provided prior to today’s processional.
Maybe Oak Park PD is a top notch department filled with great officers and a go-getter chief. Then again, given that police were close-by when this all went down and didn’t nab the offenders, that might suggest something else entirely.
Oh yes keep those guns on a leash LOL
Hollywood PD… oak Park 911
When your town has a police chief that is so incompetent they can’t even talk about it obviously being GANG VIOLENCE then why even do an investigation ? Just blame magic self firing guns floating around shooting people and call it a day.
Those pictures from that department make it look like a clown show. And the fatass police chief? Christ, that woman couldn’t do a sit-up, much less run a mile. And I’d LOVE to see her bench press even half her body weight. But I suspect it was her sex and color of her skin that got her that job, not her physical or leadership abilities. She was just what the local political leaders wanted.
Can you imagine her weapon retention skills, or rather the lack of? What a joke.