- Crime up 38% in new mayor’s first 30 days
- Homicide across the street from mayor’s home
- Bloodiest Memorial Day weekend in 10+ years
- Gangs and gang violence flourish
- Crime without consequences: Less than 5% of major crimes see arrests
- 11 killed, 63 wounded over Juneteenth weekend
- Mayor appoints a defund, abolish, and decarcerate activist to oversee public safety
- Massive gang shootout in Willowbrook leaves 23 wounded, 1 dead
- Carjackings, robberies commonplace, few arrests
- 290 Homicides to date in 2023, 1360 wounded
- 82% of shooting victims are black

8 thoughts on “CHICAGO IN CHAOS”
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We are living in dystopian times. Not just talking about the gender/trans issue. Not sure when the disconnect started. Something to do with the victim mentality. And lack of accountability in government and private life.
LBJ’s Great Society sheme might as well as have been written by the Klan.
Well, a lot of Dems in those days were actually Klan members. Robert Byrd is the first example that comes to mind, WV senator from 1959-2010.
82% of shooting victims are black
Yes, and 99.99% of the shooters are black, and 100% of the shooters are either Democrats or the parasites that Democrats consider a favored class. We aren’t allowed to talk about this of course, so nothing will ever really be done to address the wave of gun violence that has swept across blue America.
We don’t have these issues in my little Illinois town, but then we don’t have Chicago trash stinking up our neighborhoods, either.
Not all Democrats are criminals, but all criminals are Democrats.
For the life of me I don’t understand the reluctance of the black community to cull the dregs of their community out. They’re the ones (as 82% shows) enduring the brunt of gang violence. Someone above mentioned LBJ and the Klan. LBJ hated blacks.
Cause it’s your fault (if’n you’re White), don’t ya know?
2 kilt, 6 wounded as of this morning. I am bracing myself for pols to say they’ve solved the problem of black on black gang violence even tho they won’t call it that. Then next weekend, we will have 20 murders and 80 wounded.