Never fear.  Brandon Johnson is here.  The big brained new mayor of Murder City USA has a spiraling crime problem.  So what’s his top priority?  Placing city-run grocery stores in neighborhoods where private companies pulled out because of pervasive theft, neighborhood violence, more theft, worker safety and periodic looting.

And then there’s all the government taxes, fees and regulation.

This is what happens when law-and-order breaks down and public safety collapses.

From MishTalk:

Walmart closed 4 stores. Whole Foods closed another, all due to theft, looting, and worker safety.

Mayor Brandon Johnson, Grocery Mogul, to the Rescue

Will the progressive mayor be willing to stop shoplifting at his government-run stores?” asks the Wall Street Journal in its take Brandon Johnson, Grocery Mogul.

Mayor Brandon Johnson said recently the city that used to work should consider opening government-run food stores because “all Chicagoans deserve to live near convenient, affordable, healthy grocery options.” He’s upset that at least six grocery stores have closed in the past two years on the city’s South and West sides.

Walmart closed four stores in Chicago because they were losing tens of millions of dollars a year, and CEO Doug McMillon said annual losses had doubled in the past five years.

The problem isn’t corporate racism. It’s crime. In 2022 Chicago reported 54,000 thefts and a mere 4% resulted in an arrest. Of the 8,730 retail thefts, there were 1,450 arrests, or less than 17%, according to Wirepoints and the Chicago city data portal.

Questions Abound

  • What will the mayor do to prevent theft at his government grocery chain?
  • Will Johnson consider it the cost of doing business (supported by higher tax hikes)?
  • Or will Johnson provide more police protection for the stores the city opens? And if so, what won’t get protection that now does?
  • Then again, what is getting any police protection now?

That’s a lot of questions.

Meanwhile if you are a store owner in Chicago suffering huge losses to theft or if you are an individual tired of the crime and piss poor public schools, I have a suggestion: leave…

Yep.  Job #1 if you live in Chicago:  LEAVE.

Your health, safety and well-being depend upon it.

4 thoughts on “Chicago has a crime problem… Brandon Johnson’s solution is city-run grocery stores”
  1. That dumbass Johnson couldn’t sell ice to people in hell. How in the hell his he going to run a grocery store at a profit? This is ridiculous. If they made their bed in those neighborhoods, let them sleep in it.

    1. Where was it said that he would intend to make a profit? It’s probably planned to lose money, as just another means of giving welfare, or maybe reparations?

  2. Despite all of this crime, some continue to go to this hellhole for business or recreation. At some point we have to stop caring about peopke who ignore all the warning signs. Stupid is as stupid does. Something like Forrest Gump would say.

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