Interesting video about some new feature that retailers at gun shops have to input types and amounts of ammo you buy, along with accessories. They scan your FOID card – purportedly to make sure it’s valid (no expiration dates any more) but more likely to track calibers bought against semi-autos you have (or haven’t) registered.
(If the embedded video doesn’t play, here’s the link):
Police are exempt at the moment, but once in the system, well….let’s just say government never destroys data collected.
At some point, ISP might be ringing doorbells asking why you bought a thousand rounds of .223 when you don’t own a AR pattern rifle….according to their database.
We’re especially amused at the rumor in the video that Fatass will claim 70-to-80% compliance when in reality, it’ll be around 10% or so based on other states that have tried this. It’s a poor psy-op to convince you that you’re the only lawbreaker around.
We’re not sorry that we shredded the governor’s plans to gaslight gun owners.
Damn shame more people are learning about this crap with the ISP. How many people have no idea they must register their “forbidden” guns?