Freudian slip or a warped view of humanity?  Either way, the anti-gun group “Women Against Gun Violence” should face nothing but scorn and ridicule for insinuating that “everyone is a murderer” and putting it into writing.  Yes, even if they are quoting a fictional television series as basis for supporting their latest screed against gun rights.

Do they think women don’t own guns?  If so they should get that sexist thought out of their minds.

Do they really think everyone is a murderer?

One more question:  Do they really live their lives from quotes from a fictional cable TV show?

Maybe they should instead seek guidance from another book… the good book.  The Bible.

Why, it’s almost like they’re just as racist, classist and sexist as are gun control schemes.

3 thoughts on “‘Women Against Gun Violence’ believes ‘Everyone is a murderer’ and they put it in writing!”
  1. So many anti gun loons are full of rage and hate. They think everyone is as frustrated and bitter as they are. They know deep down inside that they can’t be trusted with a firearm because they know they could snap at any minute, and they feel everyone else is as out of control as they are. This is known as projection in the mental health world and it’s common among gun grabbers.

  2. Bill hits another home run!

    “So many anti gun loons are full of rage and hate. They think everyone is as frustrated and bitter as they are. They know deep down inside that they can’t be trusted with a firearm because they know they could snap at any minute, and they feel everyone else is as out of control as they are. This is known as projection in the mental health world and it’s common among gun grabbers.”

    Well said. They don’t trust themselves, so they don’t trust anyone. It’s scary, actually. Instead of blaming us, maybe they should see their mental health professional and ask to double up on their crazy pills.

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