David Hogg has long blamed the NRA for not surrendering in his quixotic quest for total civilian disarmament in America. Then he blamed the guns themselves. Now that those dead horses doesn’t turn anyone’s heads any longer, he’s come up with a new boogeyman responsible for criminal and gang violence across America. Yep, it’s all the fault of those darn “suburban white women.”
We will never end gun violence until white woman in the suburbs stop voting for the republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) October 27, 2023
It remains unclear if his latest attempt to gasp for the oxygen of publicity went as well as he had hoped.
Stupid white women wanting to be allowed to protect themselves. Bigots.
— The Dank Knight (@capeandcowell) October 27, 2023
My Mom is a white woman “living in the suburbs” who called the police last year because she saw someone messing around behind her home at night.
It took 14 minutes for the police to arrive, but she wasn’t scared.
She sat in her rocking chair with a AR-15 in her lap, ready to…
— Snoop Bailey (@realsnoopbailey) October 27, 2023
But things went even further south for the Harvard-educated sexist boy.
Blaming women for men’s creations. A tale as old as time. pic.twitter.com/R0YGw1BSYL
— ladie labrys (@LadieLabrys) October 28, 2023
— Buds ‘n Reality (@BudsnReality) October 27, 2023
And it just kept getting worse for the sexist twit.
Interesting strategy to blame white women for the gang violence in Chicago.
— Burt Macklin (@BurtMaclin_FBI) October 27, 2023
So, I get it.
You want the only ones with guns to be the police, the military and criminals.
Real bright.
AskIsrael how that worked out for them.
— Mila Joy (@MilaLovesJoe) October 28, 2023
And don’t forget the map of America’s homicide hotspots.
Let me guess, those suburban white wimmenz are making up for sexual inadequacies by buying guns, right David? For being a “Harvard Man” you surely are stupid and bigoted.
D D, D Hogg grew up stupid and bigoted because he was raised by a “white woman”, maybe an absent baby-daddy? and he has “issues” with “white women” because he didn’t like his mammie’s discipline. Poor pitiful pathetic punk-boy.
‘The Republicans flooding our communities with guns’. Ah…… name them? Who ? Show me proof? Where’ da white women!?
Why is this cretin given any attention?
He is another twit-wit. Those who follow or believe what this mope has to say should be ‘X’d’ out of society as fellow cretins.
hogg-shit, who fin-gahs bez on de trig-gahs? rhymes with….?
How sad, The poster boy for zero testosterone beta males is trying to stay relevant and make a few bucks. His fake survivor bit fell apart long ago.