Good news for this great Friday!  If you’ve been under a rock and missed it, the Biden Administration effort to criminalize owners of pistol stabilizing braces has been thrown out by a federal court judge.  What’s more, unlike the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the 5th Circuit from which this decision came is VERY unlikely to reverse it.  And should the US Supreme Court take it (unlikely) they would almost certainly uphold it.

Folks, this is huge.  There are between 20 and 40 million pistol support brace owners across our nation.

From TTAG:

In the wake of a 2021 shooting in Boulder, Colorado, BATFE decided that it was time to reassess their view of gun regulation. Instead of further investigating what motivated Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa (whom the FBI already knew of due to links to another investigation) to shoot up a grocery store, Biden decided that the agency should prioritize further regulation of the firearm that was used in the crime…

The Biden Administration’s BATFE then created complicated new regulations that cause use of most if not all arm braces to be classified as SBRs. That, of course, was illegal, because the definition of an SBR in federal law is one that is designed to be shouldered, and not one that merely can be shouldered.

Many lawsuits followed and in all of them, injunctions blocking enforcement of the BATFE ban against the named plaintiffs were issued, including the members of the gun rights orgs that were parties to the lawsuits.

But another case, Britto v. ATF, which challenges the BATFE rule under the Administrative Procedures Act, has expanded those protected from enforcement. Instead of issuing a temporary hold on enforcement against just those who sued, yesterday US District Judge Matthew Kaczmaryk put enforcement of the rule on ice nationwide

That means that everyone, whether they’re members of a plaintiff organization or not, is now free to own and use a pistol brace without concern for government thugs enforcing an unconstitutional ban under color of law.

As Judge Kaczmaryk wrote . . .

As explained in Garland, “[t]he controlling law of this case is that the Government Defendants’ promulgation of the Final Rufle ‘fails fails the logical-outgrowth test and violates the APA’ and ‘therefore must be set aside as unlawful’ under the APA. … It follows, then, that there is no injury that the Government Defendants or public-at-large could possibly suffer from if enforcement of the Final Rule were enjoined.” … Additionally, ATF admits the 10-year cost of the Rule is over one billion dollars. … And because of the Rule, certain manufacturers that obtain most of their sales from the stabilizing braces risk having to close their doors for good. 

You can read his order here.

The judge found the plaintiff’s case likely to prevail on the merits, so the rule is probably not coming back unless BATFE can somehow convince the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to start ruling like the Ninth Circuit…in other words, there’s about a snowball’s chance in hell.

While expressing sympathy for the BATFE’s stated goal of reducing mass shootings and protecting the public, the judge let them know where the limits of their authority lie. He concluded with this zinger . . .

…public safety concerns must be addressed in ways that are lawful. This Rule is not.

8 thoughts on “GOT PISTOL BRACE? Biden’s reclassification of pistol braces struck down in nationwide injunction”
  1. It seems the whole of the Biden criminal administration are trying to push a criminal agenda to find out just how far and how much they can get away with. How do you spell “Treason”? I spell it with a “B” as in “Biden Administration”!

  2. Build back better isn’t going smoothly everywhere. Thank goodness for our Supreme Court or this nation would be doomed.

  3. Federal judges all over the country are getting it right – except in Illinois. Here, we are lorded over by scumbags like Easterturd who wants to save his flawed, broken legacy as being the biggest gun grabbing judge this side of Abner Mikva.

  4. The gem in this opinion is the explanation the judge offered as to BATFE lack of authority as an executive agency to legislate. So much or a pen and phone

  5. Biden’s Pistol Brace rule? Sorry. The ATF is in charge of this. Don’t be deceptive. It’s like saying “Pritzker’s assault weapon ban.” The governor isn’t enforcing it. Guess who’s behind it? The Illinois State Police. The cognitive dissonance is amazing! In each case it is LAW ENFORCEMENT who is doing the violations of rights. WHY THE HELL can’t supposed 2A advocates call this stuff for what it is? It’s because all the “back the blue” worship has done was back these fake 2A advocates into a corner. It is the same as a person who wears a mask alone in the car. They REFUSE to face the fact that their political positions have come home to roost and are a harm to their own interests. So they continue the fantasy.

    Chickens for KFC
    Gun owners for the ISP
    Gays for Palestine
    Pro-lifers for 9 month abortions
    and yes
    Fake 2A advocates for gun control storm troopers

    Back the blue until it’s you!

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