What happens when The People just ignore the law?
Illinois residents who owned guns covered by the state’s sweeping firearms ban before it took effect last January have a little more than one month to register those weapons with the Illinois State Police before facing the possibility of criminal penalties.
Registration began Oct. 1, and through Nov. 21, 3,439 owners had registered nearly 6,600 guns they owned before those firearms became illegal to possess or sell in Illinois, according to state records.
While the degree of compliance is impossible to determine, the number of people who had registered through Nov. 21 represented just 0.1% of the 2.4 million people holding Illinois firearm owner’s identification cards, the state-mandated permits that authorize residents to own guns. FOID card owners might not own guns not covered by the ban, or have any guns at all.
We’ve written about this at least twice, and there are sites, like Washington Gun Law that cover other states and let everyone know what’s going on across the country – especially in communist controlled blue states. And sites like GunsSaveLife.com have advised against any registration scheme due to Illinois commi-crats having a follow-up confiscation law waiting in the wings.
Tribune commie propagandist and police hater Gorner finally get around to covering the massive non-compliance, but couch in in “the sheep are slooowly complying” terms, neglecting to tell anyone about how the law was passed:
- an innocuous piece of insurance legislation
- stripped of all language, leaving the skin intact and “passed” thru committee
- anti gun language inserted into the carcass
- and passed within 72-hours, bypassing all public input
- and upheld by the Illinois Supreme court 4-to-3, with two justices accepting $1 million in campaign contributions from Fatass
Typical Illinois pay-to-play corruption.
Second City Cop has been giving GSL a lot of digital ink of late. Specifically, they are mentioning our admonition to Illinois gun owners NOT TO REGISTER their guns with the ISP. That was our position on day one of the registration scheme and it remains our position, just in case you’re wondering.
This morning (well, at midnight at least), Second City Cop wrote this, mentioning GSL by name:
Look Who Woke Up
Meanwhile, a few days ago SCC linked to the GSL post titled, “ILLINOIS: DO *NOT* REGISTER your guns with Illinois State Police“:
F#$% Fatass (UPDATE)
Good advice to keep the government out of your business:
- Dear Illinois residents: Do NOT register your “banned” firearms with the Illinois State Police. Do not register your “banned” firearm accessories, .50 caliber firearms and ammunition, or anything else.The registration period opened Sunday, October 1st and runs until December 31, 2023.
There’s ZERO benefit to registering your guns at this time and lots of reasons not to.
Fatass and the democrats already have Step #2 in the works:
- Repeat, do NOT register your stuff and here’s why: There are already plans to move new legislation to “close the existing owner loophole” next year. Pritzker & crew are keeping it under wraps until the registration window closes. That proposed legislation would give those who registered their guns, ammo, and accessories 90 or 120 days to surrender those items to law enforcement, to destroy them or to move them out of the state.
Registration is the biggest self-own, and merely a step on the road to confiscation….or forcing you to become a felon by your own hand.
And then there’s something like 98 or 102 county sheriffs who have signaled their intent to ignore this law fully, prompting Porky to say something along the lines of “They swore an oath, they don’t get to pick and choose which laws to enforce.”
The oath was to the Constitution, not a political party. And Porky would be better off directing his comments to Crimesha who picks and chooses all the time, along with making up Law as she goes along.
UPDATE: smartest readers in the world have reminded us that Fatass (and other dem politicians) have forbidden police from assisting Feds in the past over numerous other laws when Trump was in office….specifically immigration.
* an innocuous piece of insurance legislation
* stripped of all language, leaving the skin intact and “passed” thru committee
* anti gun language inserted into the carcass
* and passed within 72-hours, bypassing all public input (at the tail end of lame duck session of legislature”)
* and upheld by the Illinois Supreme court 4-to-3, with two justices accepting $1 million in campaign contributions from J B Prikster
This information needs to be spread throughout ILL-Annoy, how the PICA act was established, with enactment upon signage by corrupt governor.
The supreme court will throw out the Illinois supreme court’s decision on the basis of two corrupt judges in former senator Dan Caulkin’s suit. They already have in previous cases, when justices of a state supreme court were ushered into office on the backs of dollars gifted them by litigants before them. They won’t stand for this GLARING “appearance of impropriety.”
There’s a history of this in Illinois involving another Maag (anyone? Relation to Tom?):
They’ve already docketed the case in the US Supreme Court. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_8f223d92-83d8-11ee-bdb6-434af8ff9473.html
Contrast the relatively low sums of money in those cases ($16,000) with the $millions donated by fat fawk prickster in the latest election, and the pose with mom’s demand action (wherever and whenever they can get it!) supporting their cause.
As that disqualification of the two liberal judges will change the vote, the law will be thrown out.
gun control a-holes, keep sucking communist dick
It is not about gun control, it’s all about people control.
L O L,
If only they would try to “control” the criminal (people) and not the citizens not inclined to commit crimes, but, as I have stated many times, the leftists NEED the crime and criminals in order to engage their anti-firearm agenda.