This rolled across the desk this morning from Instapundit, yet another story of “Get woke.  Go Broke.  Learn to code!”:

HOW IT STARTED: Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary.

—Michael , the L.A. Times, January 10, 2022.

How it’s going: L.A. Times to lay off at least 115 people in the newsroom.

The Los Angeles Times announced Tuesday that it was laying off at least 115 people — or more than 20% of the newsroom — marking one of the largest workforce reductions in the history of the 142-year-old institution.

The move comes amid projections for another year of heavy losses for the newspaper.

The cuts were necessary because the paper could no longer lose $30 million to $40 million a year without making progress toward building higher readership that would bring in advertising and subscriptions to sustain the organization, the paper’s owner, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, said Tuesday.

Drastic changes were needed, he said, including installing new leaders who would focus on strengthening the outlet’s journalism to become indispensable to more readers.

—The L.A. Times, today.

I’m sure the laid off L.A. Times staffers will keep rockin’! as they enjoy their funemployment. It’s a blessing in disguise, after all.

Related: Kids and parents turn to coding to boost college, career prospects.

—The L.A. Times, August 1st, 2014.

UPDATE: More classic headlines: Children apologize to their dying elders for spreading COVID-19 as L.A. County reels.

—The L.A. Times, January 12th, 2021.

And of course: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned.

—The L.A. Times, August 21st, 2021.

Nice job, Insta!

The left, especially their scribes in the media (and activists with bylines), tend to get really sensitive when you mention “learn to code” when they get fired.

Former CNN hack (he’s still a hack, he just doesn’t draw a paycheck from CNN) Chris Cillizza couldn’t back down after his first tweet blew up in his lap.


Nothing like sticking a second foot into another bear trap:

Virtually all of those in the mainstream media are hard leftists.  And using their very same words against them is just too delicious.

They created the “Learn to code” smear against everyday, hard-working Americans who lost their jobs thanks to Biden’s bumbling and hard-left policies.  Now it’s come back to bite them on the ass.  Yeah, pour me a pitcher of schadenfreude.






7 thoughts on “GET WOKE, GO BROKE, LEARN TO CODE: LA Times laying off 20% of ‘reporters’ – at least 115 get the axe”
  1. The LA Times is still a fine toilet paper, Almost feels as good against the ass as The New York Times. Hopefully the Chicago Lib Loon and the Chicago Slum Times go down the drain next.

    1. I prefer moist baby wipes on my ass, personally. Who has the money to buy newsprint? It doesn’t take crap off anybody anyway.

  2. Print propaganda is dead and stinking, just as TV propaganda is rapidly dying out. Few below the age of 40 even read newspapers or watch TV, and they certainly don’t waste their time with mouth-breathing political pundits. If it isn’t on ThickTok, they haven’t seen it. Most other social media is being ignored by the younger people these days as well.
    Unfortunately, the damage has already been done to most by our public schools, where the vast majority of graduates have been thoroughly indoctrinated for their entire lives, and are hopelessly mislead about the world around them. Those ‘man on the street’ videos you see posted, where a reporter asks young people even the most basic questions about society, are truly depressing. The ignorance of what our schools turn out is astonishing. Public schools have done far more damage to our country than all forms of media combined.

    1. If they don’t have a nice set of tits and a round ass, they’re not getting clicks on THICC Tock.

  3. Boo hoo. Maybe they can learn to code REAL GOOD. At least for the ones who don’t have what it takes for Only Fans.

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