In the “ghetto” culture, a willingness to inflict violence is a mark of prestige.  And Springfield resident Trayvon Little, aged old enough to know better, thought he was the big dog on the block.  In fact, he might have been the big bully on his block on the hood in Springfield.  That didn’t mean crap in the real world though.  Two Illinois State Troopers, responding to a shots fired call just north of the Lexington Exit on I-55 found Trayvon trying to execute one or more people in the car ahead of his.

He thought he was going to shoot his way out of the situation once the Trooper rolled up.

Because he had very poor impulse control and an inflated estimation of his invincibility?  Or maybe he just didn’t care if he lived.  Well, either way, he got his ticket punched as the ISP Troopers engaged him.  They made some pretty decent hits at a sizable distance.  (Question?  Where were their patrol rifles?  Rule #1:  If you can’t avoid a gunfight, bring a long gun and friends with long guns…)  Kudos to the Troopers.  God bless them for doing the Lord’s righteous work.

Trayvon, thinking he didn’t have to listen to authority figures (which I’m pretty sure he had never been taught to do as a child and teenager) continued with his mission to kill the other car’s occupants – who no doubt “disrespected” him in the vernacular of the ghetto culture.  No doubt it was something trivial.  Yes, he did so even with the Troopers firing shots at him.  That’s dedication.  Or suicidal stupidity.  But then again, I’m sure Trayvon couldn’t spell ACT much less score a 32 or more on the college entrance exam.

So at 37-years-of-age he got into a gunfight with two Troopers and he didn’t fare well.  They shot him enough, including the taxpayer relief shots, that they ended his murderous rampage on planet Earth, saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in incarceration costs.

Here’s the video.  Enjoy.


Kudos to the Troopers.  Props for the CPR as well.  That helps drain the last of the blood out of a well-perforated bad guy.

I know we’ll have the invariable people here in comments who will denigrate the ISP for their role in the gun ban legislation.  However, they didn’t pass the bill and they’re frankly not working real hard at enforcing it against gun owners.  And if you think it’s intolerable with ISP on the roads or working elsewhere in the state, just imagine what it would be like without them.  Trayvon the Turd would be out their committing more random acts of senseless violence, maybe against you and your family as you’re travelling up and down I-55.

Not everyone is equipped to deal with turds like this, and even those of us who are don’t relish punching the ticket of a bad person with evil in their heart.

From WGLT government-funded media:

Illinois State Police on Monday released video from last month’s shootout on Interstate 55 near Lexington, showing an armed man pointing what appears to be a gun at officers before being fatally shot as others nearby scrambled for cover.

What appears to be a gun?  You appear to be a government-funded mainstream media.  He was a bad guy pointing a gun at police.

State Police released about 10 minutes of video footage of the incident, which happened around 12:40 p.m. Feb. 24 on northbound I-55. The graphic video, which was posted to YouTube, shows two perspectives: one officer’s dashboard camera, and another officer’s body-worn camera. It does not provide a conclusive narrative about the incident, which is still under investigation.

Maybe if you’re a moron with an IQ in the low double-digits you need careful narrative.  People who don’t follow police commands on the side of a road and instead try to shoot at the cops are pretty much usually bad guys.  Just like mainstream media Democrat operatives with bylines are usually bad guys when it comes to your right to defend yourself.

State Police say its officers were responding to a call of shots fired. Video shows officers arriving at mile marker 177 near Lexington where two vehicles – a blue car, and a light-colored SUV – were already stopped on the shoulder. The video shows a man in a white shirt, standing behind the SUV, pointing what police believed was a gun at an arriving officer, as three other people stood nearby.

The man then walks into the middle of the interstate, then the median, as officers tell him to “get on the ground.” The first shots are then heard. The man ends up on the ground in the right lane of northbound I-55, near the blue car. Video shows him appearing to try and get up, as officers shout, “Show me your hands!” That’s followed by additional gunfire. The man them slumps back to the ground and does not get up again. The gunfire lasts around 70 seconds in total.

State Police say the man was Trayvon C. Little, 37, of Springfield, who was shot and killed. No one else was injured.

There were at least four other people in and around the two vehicles that day. Three people were standing outside the SUV near Little when officers arrived. They scrambled to take cover once the shooting began. Police found a fourth person inside the blue car after the shooting stopped – a woman who screams, “I ain’t got no gun!” as officers approach her.

Southbound I-55 traffic was still passing by as the shootout unfolded in broad daylight, on a Saturday afternoon. During the gunfire, one of the three people scrambling for cover is heard shouting, “Please don’t shoot me!”

…State Police say their investigation is ongoing but that they’ve “confirmed Little fired a shot from inside his vehicle in the direction of another vehicle before (State Police) officers arrived on scene.” State Police previously said officers saw him shoot at “the other vehicle” and that he pointed a firearm at them too. It’s unclear how many shots were fired by State Police.

17 thoughts on “BRINGING ‘BIG CITY’ VIOLENCE TO SMALL TOWN ILLINOIS: Troopers take out Trayvon, the gun-wielding thug trying to murder other people on I-55 near Lexington, IL”
  1. A Hood rats Last Stand.
    Good riddance. This is Why I carry a gun everywhere every day.

    1. That would require skills and brains something that hoodrat could only aspire to

  2. Denigrate the ISP for their roll in the gun ban legislation and they didn’t pass it? WOW! Can you please tell your members who is enforcing this gun ban? Even if many of the troopers don’t or don’t want to enforce PICA many will for their paycheck especially if their specific Troop is instructed to. Guns Save Life was the last hope of any “gun rights” outfit in Illinois. You have now rendered your organization null and void. The Illinois State Rifle Association “sits at the table” and “negotiates” otherwise known as surrenders our rights away. Illinois Carry helped write a red flag law with Kathleen Willis, one of the former most anti-2A members of the Illinois House. Per this article, we have NO statewide Illinois-based 2A organization that is true to the 2A. All we have are apologists for the system and the enforcers of gun control. So if individual troopers of the ISP aren’t responsible for the gun ban by enforcing it then according to your logic a drunk driver isn’t responsible for killing someone on the roadway. Their vehicle made it possible just like the General Assembly made the gun ban possible so blame Ford and while you’re at it blame forks for weight problems and guns for gun related deaths. HENCE, you are a gun control organization, and a gun control enabling organization like ISRA and Illinois Carry. You can blame the governor or state legislature until you are blue in the face but at the end of the day they aren’t the ones taking hostages (arrestees) otherwise known as Illinois gun owners. The ILLINOIS STATE POLICE are doing this. And you apologize for them. Unreal! Illinois is a lost cause until a serious 2A organization sets up shop. For now, all we have are sympathizers and apologists for the ones causing harm to YOUR members. NO WONDER why most “2A” organizations won’t talk about the fact that the elimination of police qualified immunity in that state is the reason why cops in New Mexico didn’t want to enforce their governor’s gun ban order. We have too many people like you that are seemingly installed as leaders of “2A” outfits who are more interested in boot licking and controlled opposition than being true to their own supposed constitutional cause. Police in New Mexico risked being personally sued for rights violations. If it weren’t for mrgunsngear I wouldn’t have known this because “back the blue” always beats out the 2nd Amendment. Every.Single.Time. You might as well take Jason Plummer out on a date. You’d make a cute pro-statist couple.

    1. You are correct Ian. Under Jboch’s worldview, vaccine passports and mandatory masks are ok too because the person who told you to do it is just doing their job and following orders from their company or health department or governor or whomever or whomever else. There is never any individual responsibility because the design always makes it someone else’s fault. Thus, The People are always the ones thrown under the bus and screwed over every time. The direct individuals inflicting the harm on the public are immune BY DESIGN then when you ask who give the order it’s always the next person in line, then you ask them and it’s yet another person or entity. Guns Save Life per this article, has the same setup that globalists like the World Health Organization or World Economic Forum does. It’s always someone else’s fault then that someone else has an apologized for excuse and points the finger yet somewhere else. GSL = globalism and gun control apologists.

    2. From what I can tell, guns save life does more for gun rights in any given day then you’ve done in a lifetime of pounding your keyboard.

  3. I’ve only EVER heard the name “Trayvon” (whatever that means) twice in my lifetime.

    Odd, they both ended up like this.

    What’re the odds of that?

    moms and dads, if you want your kid to end up in a pile of blood on the grounds, name him or her “Trayvon.”

  4. The video is a good example that pointing or shooting a gun at someone is not a safe thing to do, on THIS I think we can ALL agree, PICA or not.

  5. Well that didn’t take long for someone to prove Ian and Todd’s point. David Deplorable stepped up to the plate to defend gun control apologists and enablers. From what he can tell, which apparently isn’t much, GSL has done more for gun rights than either Ian or Todd has by pounding their keyboard. David wouldn’t even know who they are other than to rant on about them with name calling. You see, when people are reduced to name-calling it’s because they have no credible thing to say about the substance as in, WHY aren’t “2nd amendment” groups calling for the end of qualified immunity? OR why are “2nd amendment” groups going out of their way to defend gun control enforcers from an activist anti-2A state agency? You’ll notice that Mr. Boch himself has failed to answer why his members should continue supporting a shill for the gun control industry. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks again for validating Ian and Todd.

    1. That’s true Bart, this isn’t the first time an activist agency has been caught as a grifter. I have been saying this for MONTHS! Look at LGBT then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, then LGBTQ++, it never ends. The rights they seek will NEVER be achieved! Do you think pro-life activist outfits want to permanently ban abortion? Not likely because that would mean they have no reason to exist and collect donations. They love dangling the treat in front of the dog and promising the dog it will eventually get the treat. GSL and other pro-police “2A” groups are like a guy cooking on the grill. They light the grill (gun rights) then turn right around and dump water on it (back the blue). THEN, they can go to their members and ask for more donations because the hamburgers never get cooked. If we had constitutional carry shall not be infringed nationwide period as the 2nd Amendment says then gun rights organizations lose their purpose. I’m sorry folks, those donations are too good to give up. Any activist agency should have one single goal: put themselves out of business. That single goal is to actually achieve their goal and be done.

    2. Bart: You’re welcome to take your ball, along with Ian and Todd and never come back to play at our house.

    3. My sentiments as well John, they only spout the same old trite pile of manure in their “in depend” diapers, blah, blah, blah.

  6. FWIW: PICA will have to be settled at the federal level. I am not defending John, he is fully capable of his own defense. But, certain folks that post here have the opinion, “Life Sux – I hate the state police.” WE GET IT. You hate the state police. Did you ever stop to consider maybe your life sux because of your hate? Please just use “LSIHSP” as your comment in future postings and move on – it’ll save us ALL a lot of time. Besides, it’s not a best seller in novel form.

    1. I am sure John is way too busy to reply to all the “LSIHSP” in depends flock of moon-batts, Kevin, he is actually out overseeing this site, helping with GSL meetings all over the state (of ILL-Annoy), writing his blogs here and for another site on top of keeping up with all things related to firearms legislation, and fart-Bart just sets at his keyboard denigrating his betters, pathetic manure pile that (s)he is.

  7. As a member of the armed forces (retired) and a former police officer, I took an oath to support and defend the constitution as does every other law enforcement officer in the country. My sons have taken the same oath. My father took the oath. And just because you retire, quit, or move on doesn’t mean you’re no longer bound by that oath. Its not something you take lightly or forget you’ve done. My guess would be Illinois based LEO’s will remember this where it comes to PICA UNLESS you’re stupid enough to make them forget.

    1. A heart-felt “Thank You”, SteveW for your service and for raising sons dedicated to upholding laws and our beloved Constitution. The “law-enforcement denigrators” that have infiltrated this pro-firearms Rights web site will soon be trying to counter our posts, they seem to swarm on positive and/or neutral opinions.
      May God Bless America, again, and may He watch over all First Responders everywhere for their dedication and service.

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