Primary Elections and looking ahead to November
Gun owners did pretty well with candidates who won most of the contested primary races. Our biggest disappointment happened in far southern IL where Darren Bailey wasn’t able to defeat 4-term incumbent Congressman Mike Bost. Despite the national Republican Party spending a lot of money there, Bailey only lost by a couple of percentage points. I suspect that if Mr. Bost keeps drinking that Washington DC water and supporting gun control schemes, Darren Bailey will be back in two years with better success.
I’ve been told by people far more into politics than I that if the Illinois Republican Party doesn’t get its act together and if gun owners don’t turn out in November, we may lose 2-3 more pro-gun seats in the House and 1-2 in the Senate. Just brace yourself. The “leadership” of the Republican Party in Illinois is inept on a good day.
What can you do to impact results? You can help with election integrity efforts in your neighborhood or community by volunteering as an election judge or a trained observer. As always, motivate right-minded friends to get them out to vote. Vote early and vote often.
A chain isn’t going to be enough to secure your wallet with the General Assembly now in session. All they need is a simple majority to pass something through the end of the Spring Session. Frankly, we don’t have votes to stop gun control bills.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that the Democrat House and Senate leadership usually introduces the worst of the worst bills in the dead of night without any notice to anyone. They did that with PICA and the SAFE-T Act before that.
Probably the most likely gun control measure to pass is a bill to automatically give search warrants in Emergency Orders of Protection and Red Flag orders. These would allow cops to search for and seize guns, ammo and gun parts. They’re also expanding who can file for an OP to include someone who claims they’ve been “intimate” with you. Call this the “Bad Tinder Date” expansion.
We’ll be watching and you should as well. Watch Greg Bishop’s YouTube channel called “Bishop On Air” for the latest updates. Greg works in the General Assembly and broadcasts live each morning. Those are then available to listen to anytime.
The court case involving the illegal alien in Chicago
The federal court case involving the “new American” or whatever the White House is calling illegal aliens this week has been sensationalized all beyond belief.
Yes, an Obama-appointed federal judge ruled that an illegal in Chicago cannot be prosecuted for illegally possessing a gun under the Bruen decision.
This is an “as applied” decision, meaning it’s only for this one defendant in this one instance. It doesn’t apply to all persons unlawfully in the US.
Let’s give the judge the benefit of the doubt that she’s just following the law like she’s supposed to as an inferior court.
Lastly, not all of us may like all of the things that the Bruen decision brings… things like reformed felons, non-citizens with guns, etc. But we’ve seen what happens when we give politicians the ability to nibble away around the edges of our rights, especially when it comes to guns.
Having said all that, this case does bring us one baby step closer to illegal aliens as police officer. How so? The only thing keeping illegal immigrants from Illinois police jobs at the moment is the federal prohibition on illegals possessing / purchasing firearms.
The NRA has not abandoned us!
Not only is the NRA in Springfield, but the NRA-ILA’s Illinois lobbyist joined us at a number of GSL events in the second week in April. John Weber did a great job bringing folks up to speed and taking questions from audiences.

I spoke with him about hitting a few more regional meetings and he’s looking at potentially doing so in the first week in June. Keep an eye on our website and in GunNews.
Regarding voting, I know it’s just a quip, but seriously, DO NOT vote early! Vote in-person, on election day. If you absolutely can’t do that, vote a mail ballot and drop it *in a dropbox* on election day. If you have the option to deliver it directly to your clerk or election office, or to drop it off at your precinct, that’s even better. Don’t put it in the mail, don’t send it early. All those early and mail votes are just providing data to the opposition about how many votes they need to manufacture.
In illinois, one can’t drop off mail in ballots at a poling place. You can’t drop off ballots early. I understand what you are saying about the mail though. A better option, if you can’t vote on election day, would be to early vote. Call your county recorders office and ask for the correct location for your address. While you are at it ask, make sure that someone hasn’t requested a mail in ballot in your name. If they have, you can provide proof of identity and address to stop this.
Been an Indiana resident just over four years but just checked and my wife and I are still registered to vote in Illinois. I don’t understand this I always thought the election commission sent out non-forwardable cards to verify you are still at your present address. I do need to look into why I am still registered in Illinois and if I have voted there. Don’t know who would be best to contact.
Might start with your former county clerk and see if you have voted, if you are still on voting rolls then declare that clerk to be in violation of voting laws.
Agree, your former clerk or election commission is the place to start. also has a couple useful links, including a downloadable form to request removing your registration. You’re right about the registration cards, but if the new residents throw them in the trash and don’t return them to the clerk, they won’t know that you’re no longer there.
During my first readthrough of this article, my eyes saw “inmate” instead of “intimate” I quickly reread the offending sentence and I’m pleased that my fellow inmate promises to not rat me out to the screws. (I hope I got that right)
Jim, my son moved to DC years ago, and he is still on the voter rolls here in Menard County. I quit bugging him about it years ago too. Always wondered it I could vote twice, but never did. Maybe if he gets called for jury duty, he will fix it.