Joey Biden doesn’t want to leave his perch in the White House.  They have really good pudding and his wife and son are very keen to keep their paws on power.  To say nothing of the largesse of bribery and other assorted self-promotion for the Biden clan.  With the exception of Hunter’s baby with the stripper woman.

The stories last night that Biden would be stepping down from the campaign and allowing the party to select a candidate at the upcoming convention was fake news.  It was an organized effort by powerful people to push Biden into doing something like that.

He’s pushing back and the establishment media are pushing as well, amplifying voices of those who want Biden gone.

Moreover, there’s a very large pool of bad blood between Docktor Jill Biden (spelling intentional) and Commie Harris.  Lots of bad blood.  So, the story goes, Biden would quit the re-election race but he wouldn’t endorse Commie.  Instead, he would leave it to the convention.

In fact, the fake news suggested that Commie Harris is conducting a search for Veeps as she sees herself as the front runner for the nomination if Biden quits.  She’s hoping that a good VP choice will help carry her through the “selection” process, but it won’t.  The Democrat bench for the national party is thinner than tissue paper.

What’s more, they ones with ambitions and a potential prayer aren’t going to hitch their cart to the quite lame Kamala Harris horse.  You think for a minute that Gavin Newsom’s ego would let him run for Veep with the sure-loser Commie Harris?  Why she can’t speak off the cuff without sounding like a vacuous 13-year-old girl.

The convention is exactly 30 days away, so for them there’s no real rush.  Just so long as Joe relents (or dies) in the next four weeks, everything will go just fine.

Now, the Dems are making a big deal of the fact that they would allow the delegates to pick a candidate in the first round.  After all, they don’t want it to look like they’re picking a candidate that nobody has voted for, which is exactly what they are doing.

Democracy dies in dark rooms at the Democratic National Convention.

The problem with the claim that the delegates will pick a candidate fair and square is that there’s no way that among 4 or more candidates that any one of them will draw a majority votes in that first round of voting.  No way, no how.

Who is on the list?




Other longshot candidates like Pete Buttihoweveryouspellit seeking to boost their resume.

After the first round, the “Super Delegate” party insiders will wade in and select a candidate.

Commie Harris will not be it.  She’s universally disliked by so many.

Pritzker doesn’t have enough hair gel or Ozempic to clean him up.  Plus he’s not known like Newsom.

Gavin Newsom will get the nod.

You watch.


27 thoughts on “IN REAL TIME! Democrat internal civil war in progress to oust Biden, Harris both before the election”
  1. Is this a 2A website or a Republican one? It seems pretty obvious. It’s a Republican bias site. In addition to this partisan article, as in, not all gun owners are GOP and thus jboch runs the risk of alienation and eye rolling of others that value their rights over those who violate those rights (police). Any legitimate pro-2A outfit would be dedicated for the Second Amendment, PERIOD!! Most “gun groups” are fake because they are just Republican front groups who value police over the gun owners they pretend to support. Only mrgunsngear had the courage to point out how last year’s New Mexico governor’s gun ban order was rebuked by police because the state eliminated qualified immunity a couple years earlier and they were at risk of being PERSONALLY sued for constitutional rights violations so they stayed away from gun control enforcement. Anytime police do have qualified immunity they have ZERO incentive to protect people’s rights because all they care about is securing their next paycheck. Without qualified immunity that next paycheck may not cover the fallout of a lawsuit and thus they don’t want to risk it. See how this works? It’s not hard at all people! You’ll know a true 2A activist from a fake one on one with one simple question, do they support qualified immunity for police or wish to eliminate it?? That simple question will tell you whom you’re dealing with folks.

    1. Since there are NO notable Democraps that support 2A, you can’t mention gun rights without mentioning those who support such, which is almost exclusively Republicans. Is that hard to understand for your pea brain?

  2. For 3 1/2 years the garbage we call media and the entire Dummycrat Communist regime has told us how sharp and on the ball Joe is. They even played Weekend at Bernies with him to win the primaries. Guess what they should have to keep him in as the candidate. After all he was fit as a fiddle 2 months ago, right ?

    1. Yeah, right, Bill, (EXTREME SARCASSM) oatmeal-brain was not ” sharp and on the ball” when he was “installed” as pResident in 2020! 81 million votes, my well-endowed, pasty white rear end! just sayin’.

  3. Perhaps “Travis” will post the “long” list of national democRATS that support and defend citizens’ Second Amendment Rights that Second Amendment activists can get behind and support for pResident, senator, and/or congress-critter, that declare it nationally while campaigning for political office in this year’s national election. How about it, Travis? C’mon, man (to paraphrase our current “great” democRAT pResident)

  4. They elected a thin candidate along with window dressing. Now, they want neither but can’t ditch either one without sabotaging half their voting blocs. If he stays in the race SS is set-up at WH to watch him with current staffing. If he leaves before January, SS will need more bodies to corral him or set with him at home or in an assisted living/memory care unit. (D’s) have a better chance nominating a beagle at this point – no offense to beagles.

    1. A good beagle would much better serve America as founded than “oatmeal brain” now ensconced in the White House, Kevin, but the way that the “great” Fauci experimented with Beagles with apparent approval of other democRATS, why would any beagle want to? democRATS deserve the turmoil they have brought upon themselves, tenfold over!
      Pray for America that democRATS will never be “in power” ever again!

  5. Predictions, predictions, predictions…..
    Newsome you say?
    Just a short time ago Bill O’Reilly said that Rubio would be chosen for VP.
    How’d that go?
    You left out (S)Hillary. She’s young compared to Dementia Joe, and hasn’t lost her lust for power.

    1. G.G.: She has little or no cred or likeability, she’s no spring chick and was sickly during the 2016 campaign. They’d be smart if they could talk Manchin into running. Newsom’s not the answer.

  6. Gipper’s Ghost, GSL 1598, and all other pro-enforcement of gun control apologists: Republicans might say they support the 2A and even vote so but and HOWEVER, they support the police who enforce gun control above and BEYOND their gun owning constituents and will throw said gun owners under the bus in a second to favor the police. You know, state actors. Democrats pass the gun control and Republicans 110% support the enforcement mechanisms. That makes them gun control enablers. 2+2=4.
    Needless to say, GSL is not the place to find Mensa members.

    1. No “Mensa” posters here as evi-dense a-la “Travis”!!
      Perhaps “Travis” will post the “long” list of national democRATS that support and defend citizens’ Second Amendment Rights that Second Amendment activists can get behind and support for pResident, senator, and/or congress-critter, that declare it nationally while campaigning for political office in this year’s national election. How about it, Travis? C’mon, man (to paraphrase our current “great” democRAT pResident)
      (“Travis’ reply”) Blah, blah, blah, blah!

    1. YOU prove your “point”, Travis, but wear a dunce hat and it will be less noticeable. How about that “list” of democRAT “pro-2A”, as stated??

    2. Juvenile is as juvenile does, “Travis”, and what is more juvenile than the same ol’ claptrap you spew with every post you write, the anti-ISP, anti-law enforcement, anti-republican diatribe that is every trite blather YOU post on the GSL web site?
      I believe you are just a TROLL trying to denigrate and all to foment your goal to create discord here. I doubt you, just like the creep “ken”, are NOT GSL members and I doubt you support any firearm rights organization. Just sayin’.
      C’mon, man, where is that “long list” of pro-firearm democRAT politicians any or all firearm rights organizations can support?? If there are none, just admit it and let it lie, TROLL!!

  7. Sounds like plausible speculation. And it is fun to do so. *I think* Biden’s donors will stop donating if he stays in race.
    That will starve him of money. But that’s about the only “power” they have over elder abusers Jill and Hunter. Joe’s just and angry old fart who can’t even navigate his way to an exit at this point. But Dems lust for power and would “elect” him even if he was in a coma.

    Travis, can you tell us where the bad police officer touched you?

    1. I am with you, D D, If the democRATS cannot “replace” dementia Joe, they will defund him, and if he stays in anyway, will leave him on the ballots; if he dies while campaigning, they will “install” Jill like they have done with others, after all, Jill is Joe’s proxy now for old “brain-dead.
      I think Travis’ mommy was the copper that molested him while changing his diaper, she “scrubbed” his pee pee too much, too long and he now has flashbacks, poor pathetic minded that he morphed into. She must have been a republican, as well, ya think?

  8. 07-21-2024 2:34 pm EDT NEWSMAX // Joe’s dropped out. Adios, Au Revoir, Aufwiedersehn.

    1. Now we wait and see which puppet gets propped up next. Maybe they’ll trot out stretch mark covered hag Hillary for another go.

  9. 2A sites need to be political because it will be the next President who possible replaces old Marxist judges all across the country. 7th Circus judge Frank Easterbrook stuck it up our ass real good. He’s 75 years old and may want to retire, who do we want to replace scum like him ? Trump or Kamala ? How would the Bruen decision have went WITHOUT 3 Trump appointees ? If some gun owner is still a Dummycrat and feels alienated I say fuck em’, I feel alienated by their Governor and judges taking my rights.

    1. Just heard ol’ Bribe-im has dropped out of “the race”, I guess they convinced him he could NOT beat Trump and “the party” made it clear he would “drag the party chosen down ballot” with him. Now, … Jill only has about six months to finish off America; wonder how many more executions, oops assassinations that she can orchestrate against the “enemies” of the Marxist-democRAT agenda with the “enforcers”, a la Wray and the FBI or Mayorkas and “homeland security”.
      Pray for America, we need God’s Grace and Majesty now more than ever!

  10. Here’s something to ponder. IL (D’s) recently passed legislation to keep candidates off general election ballots that did not run in the most recent primary election – no one to run for office without going thru primary process. Circuit court found unconstitutional in this instant election cycle. If IL AG continues with appeal, and is successful, will it bar all (D) presidential candidates from THIS IL ballot? Buehler? Buehler?

  11. pedocrat dkskrs in or out of gubmint should be safe if they stay away from real humans

  12. SO, not wanting the murders of innocent children to get away with it thanks to qualified immunity makes me “anti-cop” and exposing the inconvenient and against the Back the Blue narrative that we shouldn’t be supporting those who enforce Democrat gun control against us makes me a “troll”??? Sign me the hell up right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You can HAVE your criminals walk free and infringements against our rights beliefs for yourself. You deserve all of the civil rights violations you promote!

    1. Blah, blah, blah, blah, WHERE is that “LONG LIST” of democRAT politicians all fired up to SUPPORT the Second Amendment Rights of ALL Americans??!! THE DEMOC-RATS are the “crime/criminal enablers” and apologists, WHERE are your examples of “those who enforce Democrat gun control against us”???! You just spew your bull manure without backing up your blather, to hijack a forum you don’t like. Blah, blah, blah!!

    2. Travis: you post:
      “the murders of innocent children to get away with it thanks to qualified immunity makes me “anti-cop” and exposing the inconvenient and against the Back the Blue narrative that we shouldn’t be supporting those who enforce Democrat gun control against us”
      Prove it with unimpeachable sources, your blather does not “make it fact”.

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