The attempted assassination of President Donald Trump by a deranged social misfit last Saturday has certainly changed the complexion of things across America.  And it also changed the layout of GunNews too.  Our final version that went to press a couple of days ago has already caused consternation and even sparked an investigation at one university in northern Illinois.

See, one of our members left a couple of copies of GunNews in a common office space shared by college faculty and staffers.  It wasn’t eagerly welcomed.  To the contrary, the copies were grabbed up.  But it didn’t stop there.  The department head initiated an informal query to identify the source of the “hate literature” left in the commons area.

Yeah, GunNews as “hate literature.”

These people are out of control.

Last night at the LaSalle County chapter meeting, our Regional Director Glenn Pratt said that this latest issue is a “collector’s issue” as none of the papers in his area in northern Illinois ran the iconic photograph on their front pages.

Along those same lines, I’m just going to preemptively apologize to people for their copies of GunNews not arriving on time, if at all.  In the past (twice, in fact), controversial cover art seems to have led GunNews to fall into a dark recess of the Peoria Post Office building for two or sometimes three months before it’s “discovered” and delivered.

Or, if it makes it through the post office there, it gets mysteriously damaged, destroyed or disposed of before it makes it to the intended recipients.  Yes, there are some pretty radical “progressives” working for the Postal system who are just crazy enough to act like little Brown Shirt fascists while committing federal felonies to throttle materials flowing through the postal system that they disagree with.

It’s okay, we’re used to it.

We’ll post the electronic copy of GunNews early next week if all goes well.  We’re going to give the USPS a couple of days to start delivering them to subscribers / members before we publish it for everyone else.

There’s a LOT of great stuff in this issue.

6 thoughts on “TRIGGER ALERT! This month’s issue of GunNews triggering to Trump haters”
  1. The LaSalle County area does have the News Tribune which mostly covers local and some Peoria stuff but that’s about it. The area also has a radio host in the mornings on AM and FM that does bring up national stuff but he’s known for his deep Trump derangement syndrome, mindless adherence to Marxism, and endless Pritzker / Dummycrat party bootlicking. His biased coverage and idiotic perspective is rather amusing sometimes.

  2. Welcome back John. Got this issue in Pontiac yesterday. Great job on GunNews. Glenn is right… it is a collector’s edition.

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