Kamala Harris was supposed to pick her Veep nominee the weekend after Biden’s endorsement.  She even had Eric Holder overseeing the candidate vetting process.  The process should have been pretty straight forward.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a candidate for Vice-President?

However, there was just one giant turd in the punchbowl.

Kamala Harris isn’t well liked.  Her approval numbers are at or below those of Joe Biden (aka Sponge brain, Sh*ts pants).  Anyone who had listened to her word salad creations knows she has limited intellect to put it kindly.  And as an political leader, she’s got the people skills of a hornet’s nest – after some goober’s been poking at it with a sharp stick.

In other words, plenty of people with political ambitions outright told her “not interested” and others just went through the motions.

Last week she tentatively selected Pennsylvania’s Gov. Josh Shapiro.  An aid to some Democrat political hack in Maryland even prematurely released the announcement video.

That leak didn’t sit well with the hard left anti-Semites leading today’s Democrat party.  Shapiro is Jewish and he had some rather candid things to say about the Palestinians.  Things that were very politically incorrect.  So he had to go.

So it was back to the drawing board.

Today we learned that Minnesota’s radical “progressive” governor, Tim Walz, fell on the sword and accepted the nomination.

Not everyone in the Walz echo chamber cheered the news:

Charlie Kirk had a few words to say too.

Here’s the text to make it easy to read.

Welcome to the race, Tim Walz!

Let’s make sure America knows who you are.

You helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork.

You let your daughter leak the Guard’s deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity.  Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.

Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters “fascists,” egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place.

You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it “healthcare.”

You have the most radical abortion laws in the country.  Zero limits.  Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” under laws you support.

On immigration, you famously said you wanted to provide a “ladder” so invaders can come over Trump’s wall.  You are a radical open border zealot.

You oversaw the single worst fraud of the Covid era, the Feeding Our Future case.

Thanks to ineptitude at your Department of Education, criminals stole $250 million of taxpayer dollars to spend on luxury cars, houses, and vacations. Also during Covid, you approved $500 million in “hero pay” for frontline workers, only to have 40% of that money go to people who were ineligible or, in many cases, literally deceased.

In the House, you were Pelosi’s sidekick and did whatever the Democrats demanded.

You will try and disguise yourself as a folksy midwestern moderate.

In reality, you are a white male version of Kamala Harris. Radical. Inept. Undeserving to be in leadership.

Make this go viral. Ruin their honeymoon.

Let’s educate millions because the media will not.


Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s first post on Truth Social said it all.

“Thank you.”

Any questions?

Tom Walz on guns?  You won’t even have a toy gun if Tom Walz had his way.

27 thoughts on “NO JEWS: Kamala ditches ‘moderate’ PA Gov Josh Shapiro for fellow radical MN Gov. Tom Walz”
  1. A very apt picture of Camela’s running mate. All masked up. Just another radical leftist. She picks (or Obama’s handlers did) an old white guy. You know to balance the ticket. Yeesh, what a cluster f**k.

  2. Cut-and-paste won’t work here, jb.

    Just decide whether to ditch the site or not.

    You can’t ignore it for 2 weeks and then post something that’s utterly irrelevant to gun news. And which can be found on every single news site in the world at the same time.

    We don’t really care about any of this here.

    1. Who is “we” white man, assuming you are.
      Speak for yourself, not what you think is everyone.

    2. Was on vacation Ken. But thanks for noticing. Didn’t want to advertise we were gone to Florida for ten days.
      And as I posted earlier, I’m doing dad stuff with my kids during the day.
      Expect more posts with the resumption of school here in a couple of weeks.
      Sorry I disappointed you, sir.


    3. quote: “We don’t really care about any of this here.”
      We don’t really care about ANYTHING “kenny-boy” posts here, he is a complete moron, quisling, narcissist, and an a$$hole besides.

    4. Gsl1589, lick muh bahlsakk?

      And go back to your adding fractions you drooling old simp coot!

    5. Sooo, just as I suspected, YOU “kenny-boy” are the scum that posts under other’s post handle as a pathetic way to disparage those you disagree with.
      You really are a pathetic, narcissistic, quisling, a$$hole, and reveal yourself as such every time you post, “kenny-boy”. You should be banned again for the pathetic imbecile you are.
      BTW, YOU have no “bahlsakk”, your pu**y stinks.

  3. She couldn’t alienate that oh-so critical “Death to Israel” voting block!

  4. The Harris-Walz ticket is the DEFUND gun control enforcement ticket. Gun control enforcement against YOU takes YOUR money and guess who does it? If you are new to the Earth and don’t know how things work, the people who pass laws aren’t the ones enforcing them. Guess who enforces them? I know this is difficult. Did you know the waiter who brings your dinner to the table isn’t the cook who cooked it? Again, welcome to Earth! And thank YOU to whomever started trolling me. Notice it didn’t start until I compared how the political right supports qualified immunity so cops can get away with murdering innocent people including children and they are OK with it because pro-police is a conservative value you are told to agree with it you are in the conservative camp or you get called anti-cop and that’s not allowed. It’s no different than the left defending illegals who rape and kill Americans because open borders is more important to them than the American who was harmed. Anyway, every time I get trolled it’s just another reminder that the truth hurts so it’s counterproductive for you. Keep it up!

    1. … my sentiments exactly, Gipper, Tranny-Travis is just a pathetic “in-depends” mal-content who has NO representation because all “in-depends” vote with the democRATS 99.9%, … but, they just don’t want the “dummy-sign” (aka,: big “D”) ass-ociated with their pathetic “reputation”, haha.
      WHERE is that “list” of “in-depends” that support and defend 2A Rights, Tranny-Travis, AND the list of democRATS that respect the Constitutional Rights of America’s firearms owners?? hmmm, T-Travis???

  5. what’s the story with JB?
    42 Chicago CEO’s signed a letter to kamala asking that jB be her running mate; Any scoop ?

  6. Gipper’s Ghost and GSL 1589, I want to again THANK YOU for proving my point.
    Rambling nonsense = It DOES make sense but making sense is inconvenient to my political worldview that is not based in reality.
    Where is the list in “in=depends” that support 2A rights = Where is the list of Republicans that support their constituents over the gun control enforcers?
    There is no list of R’s that support their gun owning constituents because they are cop worshipers and will throw their voters under the bus without hesitation and thus there is no need even looking for a list of what us adults call Independents who support the 2A because that was just a distraction to avoid the truth about the Republican Party. Good luck gas lighter!


    1. Mary Miller is my representative in congress and she is pro-firearms Rights to the bone, Tranny-Travis. KMA!!!

  7. Kamala said she wants an executive order for gun confiscation. HOWEVER, there is no need to worry about that! According to Republican logic, cops love us over their paycheck and 98% of them are on our side. So you’ll never have to worry about police complying with such a confiscation order. Right? Don’t take my word for it, listen to someone named Jon Boch:

    Tranny-Travis is just a democRAT TROLL in-depends disparaging the way you vote, IF you don’t lean/vote for his beloved anti-firearm agenda in-depends/democRATS tout and the only way he has to accomplish his anti-Republican agenda is to “turn the tide” at Firearms Rights sites.
    Don’t believe his piles of manure, he claims to be “pro-firearms” but he hates those who disagree with him.
    He is anti-law enforcement just as his ACAB democRAT/in-depends leaders, so he tries to manipulate you readers to not vote or cast your vote for an in-depends candidate that will vote with the democRATS every time!
    Tranny-Troll-Travis! PROVE ME WRONG!

    1. I hear you man! Travis is always against enforcing unconstitutional gun control which is nonsense so he must be anti-gun! Since he doesn’t agree with Republican’s on everything that makes him a democrat. There are only two ways to think, left or right. There is no such thing as an independent. No one has their own thoughts.

  9. GSL 1598 thinks I’m trying to “turn the tide” on firearm rights sites? What an interesting admission. It’s almost as if he’s afraid that when gun owners see how much they’ve been manipulated by the GOP to support them for their alleged gun rights positions and how the Republican Party is nothing more than controlled opposition and they are for the STATE, not We The People, then gun owning voters will bail leaving Democrat voters still there and in control of everything. It’s kind of like the Republican Party is offering this grand ship called the Titanic and all who agree with a list of positions on every other issue get to come aboard. When in reality, while the Republican Party does visibly and in a weak fashion support the Titanic, they support something even more than that and will throw voters under the bus in a second, they support the iceberg EVEN MORE! What’s that mean? They support the mechanism to sink and destroy the entire thing with greater importance than they do the thing they claim to support. Example: They support law enforcement agents of the government over and above gun owners and the 2A. So in simpler terms, supporting them is sinking your own ship. Again, what an interesting admission! Thanks for proving my point each time you post!

  10. Gipper’s Ghost, I’m clearly worth your time to not only read, but for you to comment. You and GSL 1598 can’t gaslight or lie worth a shit so I’d give up if I were you. All you do is show that you can’t win on the merits.

    1. Meanwhile, YOU AND the pathetic quisling, “kenny-boy” are the BEST gaslight LIARS that post here, proving my “point” that you are “in-depends” {full of excrement) democRAT enabling supporters.
      NO8BODY “wins” against the kind of liars you and ken are, you just spew another pile of lies.

    2. Tranny-Travis says, quote: “You and GSL 1598 can’t gaslight or lie worth a shit”
      I was taught not to lie as a youngster, YOU, Tranny-Travis, just as your “in-depends” cronies and the democRATS you vote for and support have nothing but lies and gaslighting to spew with every post because that is all you have; no one can counter you because you will only counter with more lies. PROVE ME WRONG!! (it will just be more lies!)

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