Governor JB Pritzker wants Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell to resign.  Why?  Because, to hear Pritzker – aka the paragon of virtue – describe it, Campbell hired a bad apple who would later go on to shoot and kill a woman who called police for help investigating a prowler.

Pritzker is worth several billion dollars (billion with a ‘b’).  Yet in his personal life he was so cheap that he took the toilets out of at least one of his mansions to achieve a few thousand dollars in savings on property taxes.

Then as governor of Illinois, he’s ultimately responsible for a lot of staffers along with his own decisions.  Does he resign every time he or someone that people under him have hired screws up?

Of course not!

Did Pritzker take responsibility for something like $5 BILLION on unemployment fraud during the China Flu?

What about the deadly COVID outbreak at the LaSalle veterans’ home that left 36 people dead?

But those aren’t exactly like a hire that later went on to do something that directly resulted in someone’s deaths.

But here’s one that is.  One of Pritzker’s appointees released a feral killer early from prison.    NBC News has what happened next:

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — A state parole board member resigned Monday after recommending the release of a man who a day later attacked a pregnant Chicago woman with a knife and fatally stabbed her 11-year-old son while he tried to protect her, according to authorities.

The Illinois Prisoner Review Board’s handling of the case prompted Gov. J.B. Pritzker to order that procedures for dealing with situations involving domestic violence be revamped.

Pritzker announced that LeAnn Miller, 63, of Junction submitted her resignation. Miller had prepared a report recommending Crosetti Brand’s release from prison.

The 37-year-old felon had repeatedly violated orders of protection and threatened Laterria Smith of Chicago, police said. On March 13, investigators said that Brand went to Smith’s apartment armed with a knife and assaulted her. When her son, Jayden Perkins, intervened, Brand stabbed him to death, police said.

Smith, 33, remains hospitalized in critical condition but doctors expect her and her unborn child to live. Her 6-year-old son was present during the attack but was uninjured.

So why is Pritzker now demanding Jack Campbell’s scalp?

It’s simple:  Politics.

It’s just a cheap political stunt.

Thankfully, Sheriff Campbell is handling the demands for his resignation well.

From The Center Square:

Campbell said he’s not resigning.

“We need to unite and heal. The one responsible is in jail and will never work in law enforcement again,” Campbell said. “Calls for my resignation are nothing more than political maneuvering during a tragic event and only hurt the good citizens of Sangamon County.”

Campbell said he’s requested to meet with the Massey family multiple times, but they have refused.

“I am still willing to meet with the family,” Campbell said.

Campbell also said the office is looking to modify the county’s hiring practices.

“We have used a process that we believe was consistent with statewide standards,” Campbell said. “If these standards are deficient, we would advocate a change at all necessary levels.”

He further said he will continue working on building trust back with the sheriff’s office.

“I am committed to working with our community and elected leaders to improve not only the Sheriff’s Office but also hiring standards on a statewide level to prevent a state agency from certifying a similar law enforcement officer six different times in the future,” Campbell said.

Campbell said he was elected sheriff through both good times and bad.

“I am fully prepared to continue leading my office and serving the residents of Sangamon County through this difficult period, ensuring we learn from this tragedy and work toward a better future,” he said.

Keep up the good work Sheriff Campbell.  You did what was reasonable and prudent as soon as you saw the bodycam footage by promptly terminating the deputy who killed that woman without justification.

Here’s the bodycam of the incident from the second deputy.  Grayson didn’t activate his bodycam initially.

Dispassionately looking at that video (which is hard to do given how unprofessional now former Deputy Grayson treated that woman right from the get go and then after he shot her in the head), it was clearly not justified.

It wouldn’t have been justified for any regular person to shoot that woman.  It wasn’t justified for a cop to shoot her either.

Sean Grayson deserves a nice long sentence in general population at any large state prison and everything that comes of it.  At least until he dies of cancer.

14 thoughts on “POLITICAL GRANDSTANDING BY GOV: Pritzker wants Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell’s scalp”
  1. You’ve left out the hundreds of (black) citizens in the Chitcago area who are killed every year, and while PRICKster could do something about it, like putting the perps in prison for the rest of their lives, chooses to do absolutely nothing.

    1. The governor and our state legislature should do something about cop criminals and their “Blue Wall of Silence” covering up police crimes don’t you think? Oh wait, you can’t respond because I’m not worth your time or something. Everyone else can see it though!

  2. Governor BigBoy isn’t one to talk about anything. The revolving door that Crimenois justice system is a travesty.

  3. Nothing this nauseating shit stain does surprises me. He’s pandering to the blacks he couldn’t care less about. The black people know he’s full of shit but the liberal filth will buy into it. The illegal invaders he invites have hurt and killed people, so has the scum he wants out with no bail so he needs to resign. 100% pure asshole and a total disgrace to humanity. It’s an insult to shit stains to call them Pritzker.

    1. The governor didn’t hire an out-of-control DUI subject who’s been fired before for dangerous behavior. At least you won’t respond to me given that telling the truth is nonsense to you and my comments are a waste of your precious time.

  4. If Chief Illiniwek is no longer allowed to dance, then JB shouldn’t be allowed to scalp, or dance either.

  5. JB Pritzker’s entire political career has been nothing but pandering to the stupid segments of the population.

  6. I cannot believe that these arethe words of John Boch:

    “Sean Grayson deserves a nice long sentence in general population at any large state prison and everything that comes of it. At least until he dies of cancer.”

    4 years ago I got the infamous banhammer for saying almost the exact same thing. My what a difference 4 years and thousands of murders by cop bastards make!

    I am pleased to see that you’re maturing and finally becoming a sentient Human Being John boch! Don’t you owe me an apology?

    *gsl1589, you may eat my shorts.

    1. You were “banned” for being an idiot, posting under various different name tags in detrimental (emphasis on “mental”) posts, just as you continue to do, bad habits are hard to break, aren’t they “kenny-boy”? Your “shorts” stink as bad as your vagina, I will never get within 5 acres of you or your veejay, “kenny-boy”, you stink up this site with just your pathetic posts, moron.

    1. No, questions, responsibility to the public and accountability came to the sheriff’s desk. Cops won’t put up with that and you know it.

  7. Sheriff Campbell is “retiring” all of the sudden. You notice this among (democrat) law enforcement officers that Republicans just love. Most of the time they either don’t appreciate new laws that demand police accountability because they want nothing to do with being honest to the public. OR their guilt catches up with them. After years of “Blue Wall of Silence” covering up for their fellow officers’ crimes, thefts, lies and murders and/or doing it themselves, they wake up one day and realize they’ve screwed over the public on the public’s dime no less. This sheriff and that Sean Grayson’s union Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council who wanted him reinstated AFTER being charged with MURDER, murder of an innocent human being have reminded the public of how disgusting and deadly law enforcement is. Hopefully this leads to much-needed changes in Illinois law. Don’t look for Republicans to help with that given they are in favor of police brutality, lies and theft against the public if a cop does it. These jack-booted thugs will pull you over for even checking your phone to see what time it is for a second yet they’ll fly through construction zones near workers not even watching the road. If you the “subject” hits a worker you go to prison. If a cop does the same damn thing they get qualified immunity and defended by the GOP for doing a hard job or some made-up bullshit. Everyone sees it for what it is! The taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for this assault on the public. DEFUND THE POLICE

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