Let’s talk about a new car.  Which is Facebook speak for what kind of gun you want, because the AI will flag your post and throttle your reach to nothingness if it detects that you’re talking about guns.

Thanks go out to Keith for bringing this to our attention.

You’ll like it.  Plus she’s nice to watch.

Oh, and while you’re there, you might check this one out too.

For research purposes, you know.

7 thoughts on “Car shopping? Things to think about to bypass the Facebook AI”
  1. AI has definitely permeated many things in our lives. And not in a good way. As the old saying goes. Garbage in and garbage out. The internet is not our friend when it comes to all things 2nd Amendment. Actually never was.

    1. The internet is definitely not our friend. Especially when demoRATS come on here and rail against gun control enforcement. My friend Gipper’s Ghost is correct, standing for our 2A rights and against gun control enforcement is nonsense.

  2. Ok Travis, I did my research state and federal. I found all of the small government republicans that want to give We The People back the power that’s owed to us to control our own government and be able to citizen’s arrest cops who violate our civil rights.

    That list can be found here:

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