Shane asked us to put this out to our members.  IF you’re anywhere near Mattoon on on Saturday, September 7th, check this out.  Spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the Young Guns shooters.

(Pro-tip Shane: bring a bunch of them to a Mattoon Guns Save Life meeting to talk about what they do and what they get out of the program and we’ll make sure it’s worth their while!)

2 thoughts on “A WORTHY CAUSE: Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser SEPT 7th in MATTOON for Lincoln Heritage Pheasants Forever Young Guns chapter”
  1. Hey GSL 1598 the real one or whatever, I know you read the comments on all articles. So where is that list of small government Republicans currently in the state legislature or Congress that would give WE.THE.PEOPLE the power to citizen’s arrest a police officer that violates our civil and constitutional rights? Your silence is noticeable here! Are you up against a wall with that question? It appears you have difficulty proving me wrong. As I’ve said for months and months that Republicans put police ABOVE We The People and thus the Constitution. Cops are the government – for anyone who’s confused. How’s that “party of freedom” working out for you when the rubber meets the road??? This is an impossible question for you now isn’t it? You can either provide some names of sitting Republicans that support giving WE THE PEOPLE the authority to run our own government and hold bad actors accountable or you can sit in silence and prove my point. What is it going to be?

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