David David, what were you thinking, man?

Cornett, the former long-time police chief of Tilton, IL blew his pension and his right to keep firearms by stealing three guns from his department’s evidence room.  He paid dearly for taking a S&W 9mm, a Colt .45 1911 and a .22 pistol.  Combined, the three might be worth $4000 on a really good day if it was a collectible 1911.

Or about a month’s pension check post-taxes.

Now he’s out of a job, a FOID card, and likely his pension as well.  Over three guns.

From WCIA:

DANVILLE, Ill. (WCIA) — A former Tilton Police Chief pleaded guilty on Friday to stealing pistols from the police department’s evidence locker.

Court records showed David Cornett pleaded guilty to three counts of theft. He was sentenced to two years of conditional discharge.

Last year, Cornett was charged for knowingly taking three guns from the department evidence locker for his own gain: a Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol, a Colt 45 semi-automatic pistol and a .22 caliber pistol.

The guns were seized by the police department over the span of 23 years, prosecutors said, between Jan. 1, 1998, and Jan. 31, 2021.

It’s a small town.  Everyone knows everyone’s business.  Did he really think nobody was ever going to miss that 1911?

6 thoughts on “Tilton’s former chief pleads guilty to boosting guns from evidence lockers”
  1. Thanks for confirming what I’ve said. Who needs police to protect you from thieves? Cops ARE the thieves! And again, this is why some CCW insurance plans cover firearm reimbursement. Because some cops steal your property even after you’ve been cleared. Yet we still have fake 2A advocates backing the blue. Disgusting!

  2. Many cops are THE criminals but must be protected. When other cops cover up their fellow officers crimes it’s called BLUE WALL OF SILENCE. But that’s not enough. Police need an entire apparatus of (blind) support to continue their operations against the public. This one is called Back the Blue. It’s a cult-like setup where roughly half of the population offers unlimited support and apologizes for the atrocities police commit, thus giving them cultural and political protection. NOW, take the opposite side of the SAME coin. The globalists conducted an international test to see who’s the gullible person and who’s the resistance. It’s called a mask. The other roughly half of the population carried the water for the globalists and they too, were duped into thinking they were on the side of the greater good. If you didn’t wear a mask you wanted to “kill grandma” and had to be silenced and shamed and shut out of society. So the name calling of “anti-cop” and “wanting to kill grandma” is the same thing. It’s a tool to silence individuals that wish to speak up when they see something that is wrong.

  3. Contrary to gist of the first two comments, I see the great majority of cops as honest, honorable people.

    This Cornett guy? What a dumbass.

    1. Agree with you D D,
      Tranny-Travis/Mary/Jane fail to acknowledge that the corrupt do get investigated, and charged with crimes, many in law enforcement are former military or descendants of honorable citizens that strive for honor in their chosen profession and those that are corrupt dishonor the true patriots.

  4. Heary Real GSL, I hear you! Some people fail to acknowledge that some sharks in the water won’t bother humans at all. I don’t know why these anti-shark people think they have to jump out of the water just because a couple of them might bite their legs off. Many sharks just ignore the human swimmers. Why do people have to immediately get out of the water when they see a shark fin? Most sharks are honorable members of the ocean. I can’t believe why people think their body parts or life is more important than a shark’s feelings. Good grief!

  5. Nice try Mr. Cornett, but you need to be a past sheriff from Coles, Edgar, or Shelby County to get away with that.

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