by John Boch

(GSL) – There are a number of companies that offer legal defense programs or “carry” insurance for everyday Americans. A dozen or more, in fact, with new ones popping up all the time.

Some call their products insurance and are regulated as such. Others navigate the space not as insurance, but they still provide essentially the same service: they cover your legal defense costs (and frequently expert witness costs) in the aftermath of a use-of-force incident.

If you’re involved in an incident and acted more or less to the standard by which you’ll be judged, these programs will take care of paying for top notch legal representation. It doesn’t matter if you used your car as a weapon, or a firearm or fists.

I’ve taken dozens of calls over the years from folks who have used force in some capacity for self-defense – most involving a firearm. Few are handled perfectly by the good guy (or gal) but the law doesn’t demand “perfect,” just “reasonable.” Having a good attorney will help you articulate how your actions were reasonable and prudent to prosecutors, and more importantly, to a jury if it comes to that.

Our advice: research the companies and find one (or more) that fits your needs. We strongly recommend everyone carry a policy, even if you don’t have a carry license or don’t carry a gun everyday. Given some of these radical leftist prosecutors in certain jurisdictions, this should be a no-brainer for prudent people. Especially if you ever travel to those locales (and not all of them are Cook County, either).

Again there are lots of companies.. We at Guns Save Life would recommend three of the bunch but that’s not to say another wouldn’t better serve your needs. Do the research.

Fair disclosure: we aren’t paid for these recommendations. Our recommendations and referrals aren’t for sale.  In fact, in the past month we were approached by a company with “an opportunity” to promote their products for a commission.  “C’mon.  I’ll buy you lunch and tell you all about it.”  We shut that, ahem, “stuff” down – hard.

All of the groups we like (listed below) have great educational resources available. After all, it’s in their best interests to keep you educated so you keep yourself on the right side of the law.

In no particular order:

Armed Citizen’s Legal Defense Network ($150 for first year, $105 renewals… additional household members are $70 annually). You can bring your own attorney (even a high-priced nationally-known firm like David McDermott’s which bills at $650/hour) or they can recommend one which is extra helpful if your incident happens while travelling. Nationwide coverage. They pay $25,000 out of the gate and if their team views your actions as legitimate self-defense, they have a couple of million to take care lawyers and expert witnesses… both for criminal and civil cases. With a decent attorney, usually that first $25,000 helps make things go away even before charges are filed. Save $25 off your first year: Mention GSL or John Boch and they’ll take $25 off your first year’s membership and they’ll treat you like family.

US Law Shield ($130/year plus add-ons and $20 set up fee). Some know this as “Texas Law Shield” because that’s where they started. They have their own attorney Michael Johnson who handles cases for their Illinois customers. I’ve interfaced with him as a US Law Shield subscriber as well as in my capacity as an instructor, professional writer and GSL’s Executive Director. He’s good. He’s experienced. USLS has add-ons including a couple of extra dollars a month for national coverage. Another for minor children that they call “bully protection.” If your kid uses force in self-defense and Johnny Law gets involved in any capacity, Michael Johnson will jump in to represent them. Most teens don’t have their own attorney on speed dial. When my kids get older and have some Krav Maga under their belt, they will have Mr. Johnson’s number just in case. GSL members get the set up fee waived and two extra months if you pay for a year’s coverage.

US Concealed Carry Association ($300-$500/year). You bring your own attorney or they can recommend one. Nationwide coverage automatically. I call USCCA the “concierge” service. They cover a ton of stuff, including a lot of ancillary expenses one might incur. Extra slickly-produced educational materials. If an extra couple hundred bucks each year isn’t an issue, strongly consider USCCA. Pro-tip: DO NOT give them your primary email address at any point in the process. They will spam the crap out of it – relentlessly. If you sign up with group sales, your GSL membership card will get you 15% off… which more than pays for your GSL membership!

Again, find one that works for you and sign up.  Today.

Unless you have a hundred grand sitting in a checking account just waiting to write a $60,000 retainer to a competent and experienced criminal defense law firm.  With follow up checks for the expert witnesses.

Seriously.  SIGN UP with someone today.  It doesn’t matter which to us.  Just get protected.  It’s the smart and prudent thing to do, particularly in this day and age of media- and politics-driven prosecutions.

8 thoughts on “YOU CAN’T AFFORD *NOT* TO HAVE IT: Three GSL picks for so-called ‘concealed carry insurance’”
  1. Why do some concealed carry insurance plans cover firearm reimbursement in the event of a self defense situation? Because many police departments steal you firearm even after you’ve been cleared. AND why do concealed carry insurance companies tell you to only tell police you were in fear of your life and will cooperate with their investigation but ONLY with an attorney present, it’s because all it takes us for a cop to wanna teach you a lesson, boast their undeserved authority, have a revenge on you and they’ll put words in your mouth so that you incriminate yourself as their standard practice is on traffic stops and guess what? You are double victimized. First by the attacker then again by the police. The political right can shout “Back the Blue” all day long to dupe gullible people but the ones that adhere to reality knows that law enforcement is a corrupt communist institution weaponized against the people. GSL claims to defend your right to defend yourself. So Jon does that cover the aftermath of police theft, police lying, police violence? Another article said JBoch was featured in JBS’ Gardian of Liberty. IS THAT liberty for the police or WE.THE.PEOPLE????? One is the government and one is the citizenry. For those who are confused.

  2. Serious question: You’re concerned about firearm reimbursement (call it $1000)? Your priorities should be on getting past the legal jeopardy. Things like lost wages and firearm reimbursement are trivial. Besides, if you’re acquitted or charges aren’t filed, you will eventually get your gun back. And secondly, why would you only have one gun?

    Then you segue into an attack on police as a “corrupt communist institutional weaponized against the people.”

    While no doubt there are bad cops out there, just like there are bad gun owners, the vast majority of both groups are good, decent and honorable people. I’ll take Team Blue any day of the week over the street gang bangers shooting up Chicago and other metro areas.

    1. Some people on here have commented that police get automatic default priority over We.The.People in Republicanville. Thank you for confirming that point. Change the name of your party to Uniparty. Oh…………and people should have more than one gun?? AGAIN, putting the burden on We The People instead of the police. Typical and UNIPARTY

    2. Thanks for proving all of my posts from well over a year correct. James is right, police get AUTOMATIC deference and THE PEOPLE pay the price. Here goes for the party of “freedom.”

    3. Lost wages and firearm reimbursement are trivial? I would be too embarrassed to show my face in public and run a supposed 2nd Amendment organization after saying something like that. How out of touch! Not everyone has money sitting around to just go buy another or have another carry gun. Plus not everyone has extra money to pay the bills. I don’t know if you’ve been in the United States the past 3 years but inflation is way up and wages are NOT keeping pace. This hurts some people in the wallet and many will keep the lights on or air conditioning running on days like this before they shop for a new carry gun. And for the communist part, you say you’ll eventually get your gun back if you’re not charged or are acquitted. How about property rights and innocent UNTIL proven guilty? Where’s that love for America thing when cops are involved? I’ll tell you; it gets flushed down the drain immediately! This automatic deference to cops is a Republican thing and since the 2A is generally treated and considered a Republican value then it gets thrown in the basket with all other Republican values. The Back the Blue thing is in that same basket, and it defeats the 2nd Amendment 100% of the time when pitted against it and partisan gun owners apologize for their own mistreatment like they have Stockholm Syndrome. I was very upset as many of us were when PICA was signed into law. But after hearing what you just said and what some of your members say I get satisfaction knowing PICA is causing headaches for people – people that deserve the government they ask for and then get. The rest of us that are true to the cause of the Bill of Rights have to find our own way apparently.
      Chickens for KFC
      Gays for Palestine
      Titanics for icebergs
      and yes
      Fake 2A activists for gun control enforcement officers

      TOLD YOU SO!

    1. “don’t have a party” but ALL in-depends politicians vote with demo CRATS, except now, former “d” RFK jr. joining Trump and T. Gabbord as well.

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