It wasn’t a good night for the gun-grabbing Kamala Harris. She looked pretty rough. She looked almost like a kid at the adult table. It was her first interview in five plus weeks. Will she do another? Or will she keep her head down and avoid opportunities for gaffes.
The big question is whether or not she’ll actually show up for the scheduled debate.
Let’s look at Gov. Walz, otherwise known as Mr. Stolen Valor who wants to take America’s Favorite Rifle the AR-15 from law-abiding Americans.
DANA: “You said you carried weapons in war but you have never deployed actually in a war zone.”
WALZ: “The one thing I’m never going to do is.. I’ll never demean another member’s service.”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 30, 2024
Notice how he didn’t even answer the question at hand. What’s up Mr. Walz? Cat got your tongue?
Oh wait… Here’s another one.
DANA: “You had said that you and your wife used IVF but it turned out you used a different kind of fertility in order to have children.”
WALZ: “I certainly own my mistakes when I make em.. I think people know who I am.”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 30, 2024
And speaking of not answering questions… get a question your don’t like in your first soft-ball interview? Just say “Next question, please.”
DANA: Trump suggested you happened to turn black recently for political purposes..
KAMALA: “Next question, please.”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 30, 2024
There’s more, of course.
Kamala is clearly reading notes for many questions from @DanaBashCNN.
Why is this important?
She had the questions prior to this interview, crafted notes with staff/experts, and is still struggling.
This is hard to watch. Wow.#KamalaAndTim
— Kimberly Klacik (@kimKBaltimore) August 30, 2024
So she had the questions beforehand. And she still failed to hit home runs.
Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness had this to say:
The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter:
1. Remake Harris as an entirely fresh happy face. She’s about joy and vibe — which trumps position papers and policy statements. Banish all thoughts that she is an incumbent vice president and co-owns the last four years of the Biden administration.
2. Ignore/deny that Harris as vice president could have long ago enacted her new makeover proposal — or could do so right now in the remaining five months of her administration’s tenure. She was the last person out of the room when Biden made those awful decisions.
3. For the next 70 days, reinvent Harris as a moderate. Xerox much of Donald Trump’s current more popular agenda. Have Harris claim it as her own. Reboot her as a border hawk, a China hawk, a defense hawk, a budget hawk, and a law-and-order hawk.
4. The word-salad Harris must not do a single unscripted media interview, live town hall, extemporaneous chat, ambush hot mic, or lecture without a teleprompter.
5. Harris must not offer any policy proposals such as her harebrained price controls that deviate from her 70-day new centrist image and teleprompted scripts.
6. Do not mention Biden at all. Harris is not to be seen with him in photos or at events. Create a vaguely joyful but completely imaginary, “Harris record.” Separate it from the miserable Biden-Harris administration. Leak that she was unhappy with Biden.
7. Call Trump a mobster, criminal, insurrectionist, and dictator nonstop. Never provide any evidence to support such charges. When challenged, double down and let loose with worse invective.
8. Talk about abortion nonstop. But never dare mention the word. Relabel abortion “reproductive rights.” Falsely reinvent Trump as a radical anti-abortionist who wants a federal ban.
9. Follow the 2020 successful Biden “basement” strategy: keep out of the public eye, silent on the issues, reliant on 70 percent of the ballots not being cast on Election Day, and outsourcing the campaign to the fusion media and billionaire class.
10. Harangue about race and gender nonstop. Define the election as a stark binary between a “young” oppressed but dynamic black woman and an old oppressor racist white guy.
11. Reinvent the “journey” and life “story” of Harris — the child of two PhDs — into a hardscrabble, lifelong struggle against poverty, systemic racism, and greedy “billionaires” like Trump. She is always to be from Oakland — never Berkeley.
12. Talk about transparency nonstop. Feign a willingness to have three or four debates. But agree to hold only one — and only on a left-wing network. Promise interviews and town halls endlessly. Enter into discussions about them. But always delay, stonewall, and evade for the next 10 weeks.
13. Meet privately and endlessly with the megarich donor class that helped to remove Biden. Assure Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley grandees that banter about wealth taxes, taxes on unearned income, and higher corporate taxes are mere campaign posturing. Then outraise Trump again 3-1.
14. Privately assure leftist activists and Democrat politicos that any backslidings from supporting lifelong left-wing advocacies are temporary and necessary 70-day pretexts. Instead look at what Harris actually does after November 5, not anything she must say before then.
15. Control and modulate the street. Anti-Trump protests are a legitimate “movement” that are “not going to let up. And they should not.” Any violent anti-Trump demonstrator should be bailed out immediately.
All anti-Democrat, anti-Harris demonstrations should be deterred. A large police presence must be proactive with as many arrests as possible, with barriers, and plenty of backup. Protest leaders should be given private concessions and incentives to tone down their people.

Make sure Christians are remaining compliant with their bible and NOT praying in public. Matthew 6:5 prohibits it:
You can read in plain text what it says but my interpretation also supports the ban of praying in public. As I claim RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, I am therefore making this binding LAW on everyone else and will seek legislative action making it Illinois State law for everyone else. This is what Christian activists do, make their interpretation of the bible the LAW for everyone else as long as it does not inconvenience thy own self. What comes around goes around. DO UNTO OTHERS!
As I recall it’s the sick in the head liberal filth that tries to impose their anti American garbage on everyone else. Banning guns because they fear and hate inanimate objects is a great example and very appropriate for a gun rights blog. Then we have piles of fecal matter known as Antifa attacking people for trying to speak freely. Racist BLM traitors like to accuse any white person who isn’t into physically attacking cops or starting fires and looting a racist. Iv’e never seen “mostly peaceful protestors ” burning a city while holding up a Crucifix .
Mary. It always helps if you use things in context.
Never has there been such a total mess of a candidate. Gun grabbing will be the least of our worries if this Marxist asswipe gets in. Make sure you spend lots of time waking the sheep you know so they don’t clop into the voting booth and do what Morning Joe and the hags on The View told them to do.
There is only one thing that can be believed spewing from Comrade Kackler’s mouth and that is that she “hasn’t changed her ‘values'”; being raised by a Marxist father, her “values” are Marxism to the core, she has reiterated that fact by declaring to impose “price controls” which will result in food shortages at exorbitated prices, a staple of Marxism to “control the masses”.
Pray for America that Comrade Kamunist will be defeated at the national election so bad that other Marxists will never follow in her stead.
It’s awfully hard to change ones values when you hadn’t had any to start with.
Ross, there’s no “context” to be had. That’s a convenient stunt embarrassed Christians pull when someone points out the absurdity of a bible verse. It says WHAT IT SAYS and religious people waste no time with the literal “word of god” when they want to fuck someone over with their religion. And since the holier-than-thou types put someone else’s right to marry on the ballot years ago because religion doesn’t like gay people, then it’s only fair and DO UNTO OTHERS to put any Christian’s marriage on the ballot if they eat shellfish or mix fabrics. The people have a right to vote away YOUR legal rights.. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. As you know, most religious people IGNORE the shellfish and fabrics verses because it would fuck them over personally, however if they don’t like gay people they use that man shall not lie with a man as he does a woman bullshit. This is why religious people get mocked. And if that hurts someone’s feelings FUCK RIGHT OFF! This Christian nationalism crammed down everyone’s throats isn’t going to be tolerated anymore. AND DO NOT tell me gay rainbow pride stuff is crammed down people’s throats either! If seeing rainbow flags is “crammed down your throats” then make yourself credible by telling all of these people wearing crosses to take them off because no one cares that they believe in talking snakes. Be consistent. Further, I know for one the Southern Baptists used to say it was a sin for a white person to marry a black person. Where’s that push now? Too embarrassing? The bible is the same yesterday, today and forever (when it’s convenient). Well today it’s going to be INconvenient and I don’t wanna hear any complaining. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 speaks about being unequally yoked. That verse is used to ban interracial marriages. And don’t tell me about context. IT SAYS WHAT IT SAYS! I don’t wanna hear that I am anti-religious. The “christians” who ignore verses that are harmful to themselves or too embarrassing are the anti-religious ones and you’re not fooling anyone. Well, at least a woman won’t be telling me anything. The bible says they have to remain silent…….in the church. SO using logic, when a woman tries to enforce their cherry-picked bibles on someone they make whatever setting that is THE CHURCH and thus shut their own mouths according to scripture. Needless to say, GSL isn’t the right place to find MENSA members.
Again context.
No “MENSA” posters here as evidenced by Tranny-Travis/Moron-MaryJane’s post!! And that is in complete “context”!!!
Pray for America, the evil one, aka: Satan, is trying to destroy America with the Marxists.
As a Christian Nationalist who wears a cross I must say….. I don’t give a rats ass about which kind of genitalia you like to put your mouth against. Marry your boy / girlfriend, marry your cousin, your dog, whatever I don’t give a shit. If you want to pretend you’re the other gender that’s wonderful !!!! That’s FREEDOM in a free country. Just don’t expect me to play along and don’t get them panties in a bunch and start accusing me of having some kind of phobia because I find certain behavior un natural, disgusting, immoral or whatever. I won’t make fun of or treat anyone poorly as long as I get the same back. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. As far as no MENSA members on GSL please keep in mind you’re the one arguing Christian stuff on a website dedicated to gun rights.
HATERS gotta spread their hatred, Bill, Satan has t hem by the “short hairs” and they will follow him to hades and be “proud” of it.
Pray for America to overcome the Marxist agenda.
Harris and Walz can call for all the gun control they like, if the American people are foolish enough to elect them they will find that they will never gain compliance, this is the beauty of the Second Amendment.