Remember President Trump’s visit to Palmetto State Armory, unannounced, back in 2023?  During that visit, he spoke with  one of PSA’s owners about the issue of pistol braces and so much more regulatory over-reach from the ATF.  Since then we’ve had favorable court decisions, but that conversation between the men certainly made Donald J. Trump aware of some issues facing law-abiding gun owners.

Of course Don Jr. is a big gun guy himself, but it’s always good for President Trump to hear it from outside the proverbial family.

Watch this video.

Here’s a story from the local newspaper, the Post and Courier:

As former President Donald Trump walked into Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, he marveled at what he saw.

“They do a fantastic job. Fantastic job. Incredible people,” Trump said.

The store had been shut down just for him. To his right was Julian Wilson, one of the owners of the Columbia-based gun manufacturing company. To his left was the company’s founder, Jamin McCallum.

Both owners smiled as all of them strode toward the back of the store, where rifles hung on the wall and firearms were on display behind glass cases.

U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-Springdale, patted his son, Julian, on the back as a store employee showed the former president different firearms. His other son, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, watched.

Trump stopped and pointed at a gun he liked, a Glock 19 featuring a laser-engraved portrait of Trump on one side and the presidential seal on the other.

“Wow,” Trump said, looking down at the gun. “And they sell well?” he asked.

“Yes sir,” an employee said.

The gun Trump admired and briefly expressed interest in buying is one of many firearms engraved or painted with pro-Trump or anti-Biden messages sold by PSA.

Meanwhile, QUE Mala Harris has nothing but animus towards gun owners.  Ditto for her equally radical running mate, the hard left Tim Walz, otherwise known to Minnesotans as Tampon Tim.

Remarkably, the dynamic duo of QUE Mala and Tampon Tim have floated Keith Ellison as US Attorney General should they win the election in November.

Yes, this Keith Ellison.

Remarkably, the AFP tried to gaslight the American people about a simple, easy to understand Twitter post.  The AFP, under the guise of “Fact Checking” (that’s code for you’re about to get gaslit), made the rather remarkable (and very unbelievable) claim that Ellison didn’t really know who Antifa was.

Yep, don’t believe your lyin’ eyes, folks.

On guns, Trump gets it.  QUE Mala hates them and you.

Make sure you vote accordingly.

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