Look, there weren’t any one-liners last night.  Nobody came away looking great.  But Donald Trump’s closing remarks left a big mark on Team Harris.

What’s more, they were the final words of the night.

The biggest “loser” of the debate Tuesday night?   The partisan political hack moderators.  Who interrupted Trump to fact check him somewhere between 4 and 11 times over the course of the night.  They didn’t slip their thumb on the scale to help Que Mala.  Add to the fact checking some obviously loaded questions to Trump (and cherry softballs to Kamala)  and even a blind person could see their whole fist on the scale.

Did Harris have the questions?  I’d bet good money she had the answers provided, along with where the questions would lead.

3 thoughts on “BEST PART OF DEBATE… And the biggest loser.”
  1. FABC FCNN. May they all rot in hell. Trump didn’t lose against all three so I guess that’s a win by itself

  2. The close was good. The media hacks were insufferable. Kamala didn’t fall face-first into a punchbowl full of vodka. All in all I should have doubled down on my blood pressure pills before tuning in.

  3. Given the current threatening world, did anyone ask, “where is and who’s the legally elected, competent, official that’s currently in control of the ‘football’?”

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