Kamala Harris, during the Presidential Debate last week made a number of bold proclamations.  Among those:  She’s not coming to take anyone’s guns.  And that America has no troops in combat under the leadership of the Biden/Harris regime.

Well, we know that she’s also said that her values have not changed, so we’re pretty sure that “mandatory buybacks” will be on her short list of things to do if she wins this election.

As for the troops, well, that’s a little easier to “fact check.”

SPOILER ALERT:  Kamala Harris can’t tell the truth to save her life.

From the Liberty Daily:

In what can only be described as a politically motivated façade, Vice President Kamala Harris boldly declared during the ABC debate that no American troops are actively engaged in combat zones. This claim starkly contradicts the realities faced by thousands of U.S. service members stationed across the Middle East and Africa, who are currently receiving “hostile fire” or “imminent danger pay.”

As NY Post noted:

Outraged family members of US troops hurt in the line of duty slammed Kamala Harris’ brazen claim that no Americans are serving in war zones — a statement which flies in the face of her own administration’s official list of active combat zones.

As many as 50,000 US service members currently patrolling countries and oceans across the Middle East and Africa are receiving either “hostile fire” or “imminent danger pay,” monthly payments of up to $225 for troops deployed in areas where they could easily be subjected to — or do come under — enemy attack, retired Army Col. and military analyst Jonathan Sweet told The Post.

Yet during Tuesday’s ABC debate with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, the vice president to make it seem as if the Harris-Biden administration has heralded in a period of peace not seen in decades — and that all American military members are safe.

This was an attempt by the Harris campaign to paint a rosy picture of global affairs under their governance, conveniently overlooking the harsh truths.

As of today there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, for the first time this century.” – Kamala Harris

The emotional toll on families is palpable. Holly Davis, whose husband is currently deployed in Syria, shared her distress over the vice president’s claims, which starkly contrast with her daily reality.

It’s very hurtful that someone who is currently our vice president is making these claims when my husband is literally sacrificing his life every day over in the Middle East.” – Holly Davis

I had to sit in those literal two minutes of hearing that, wondering if he was going to come back on the phone… It’s very real. Very war zone.” – Holly Davis

The Harris-Biden administration’s portrayal of a peaceful, conflict-free global stage under their leadership does not hold up against the testimonies of those directly impacted by the realities of war. This discrepancy begs the question: What is the true cost of these politically motivated assertions, and who really pays the price? Moreover, can anyone believe anything that Kamala Harris says?

But this is the coup de grace:

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