If you thought Mark Zuckerberg’s tech behemoth “Meta” (Facebook, Instagram and others) would play it down the middle and skip the censorship this election cycle, well, you’re a fool.  He’s up to his old tricks, this time suppressing information from the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, the National Rifle Association.  The truth is scary to Zuckerberg and his staffers.  They don’t want Americans to know about Kamala Harris’ love for gun control, gun bans and gun confiscations.

Guns Save Life used to post our website stories on Facebook.  They did a nice job helping us reach all sorts of new people.  We had thousands of people who liked us or subscribed to us (or whatever they called it).  Then around 2016, they began throttling our stories, and our views plummeted from thousands per post to hundreds and then scores – even when tens of people were “sharing” a popular story.  So we bailed on Facebook in December 2020 before they could pull the rug out from under us at an inopportune time.  We haven’t missed it and haven’t looked back.

Sure, there are some areas where we might be missing a few dozen people, but that’s okay.

More on their continued censorship from FoxNews:

The NRA is accusing Meta of “election interference” after the tech giant cracked down on social media posts it deemed “false information” about Vice President Kamala Harris.

The gun rights advocacy group had criticized Harris for her liberal gun control stance, something she has attempted to distance herself from as the Democratic presidential nominee.

On Sept. 18, the NRA shared a 2007 clip of Harris, then a San Francisco D.A., talking tough on the city’s efforts against handguns.

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re got going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” Harris said at the time.

The NRA added captions to the clip reading “Kamala Harris will seize your legally owned guns,” adding “Kamala Harris wants mass gun confiscation, and she’s willing to weaponize the government to enter your home and seize your legally owned gun.”

However, on Sept. 24, the post was slapped with a “false information” label on both Instagram and Facebook.

“Independent fact-checkers say this information has no basis in fact. You can choose whether to see it,” a disclaimer tells Facebook users.

“Third-party fact-checkers say the information in this post is false,” Instagram similarly told its users.

Bottom line:  When you see that a story’s been “fact checked” by independent “fact-checkers,” just assume they are covering for censorship.  Just the opposite of what they are saying is true.

Remember this from the first attempted assassination of Donald Trump?

2 thoughts on “‘Meta’ at it again, censoring NRA criticism of gun-grabbing Kamala Harris”
  1. But, but. but,…Comrade Kommie-la “owns a gun”!! I wonder IF she has ever had training in safety, handling, safe storage, marksmanship, legality, etc., etc. My humble opinion is “no”.

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