Month: September 2024

Unstable Site – UPDATED

Update: We have moved Guns Save Life to new infrastructure. This new infrastructure should be more stable for many things. We were running on K8S with 2 replicas. This protected the site, but not the database. The database was being hammered. The current infrastructure is more protected at the cost…

NEVER FORGET: September 11, 2001

Remember the September 11, 2001 attacks upon America as Islamic terrorists struck our nation, killing over 3,000 of our citizens and injuring countless more. This post went live at 8:46am, the exact time (Central Time) that Flight 11 crashed into the north face of the North Tower. It was a…

BEST PART OF DEBATE… And the biggest loser.

Look, there weren't any one-liners last night.  Nobody came away looking great.  But Donald Trump's closing remarks left a big mark on Team Harris. What's more, they were the final words of the night. Donald Trump Delivers Crushing Blow to Kamala Harris in His Closing Statements “So she just started…