Month: September 2024

TALK IS CHEAP, VALUES ARE NOT: Harris claims that her values have not changed… however with an election coming her talk has changed (including on gun confiscations)

Kamala Harris said it herself during her one and only TV interview since she was installed as the Democrat's nominee without receiving a single democrat vote during the primary election season:  "The most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed." …

MEME WARS: Come on in for a laugh or three

    This one below isn't really a meme, but actual headlines from the New York Times panning the US Constitution. Speaking of selective outrage...  You don't have a right to control your own body, unless you're talking about abortion: Back to our regularly scheduled laughing... Let's go Brandon!

Don’t let Trump cheat!

Don't let Trump cheat!  Do your part to ensure election integrity by demanding voter ID and paper ballots. Again, don't let Trump cheat his way into office. Defend Democracy!  Promote Voter ID and paper ballots.