This should be your headline for the day:  70% of Americans support the Bruen US Supreme Court decision.  That decision effectively made shall-issue carry the law of the land.  Moreover, it didn’t create a river of blood in the streets, either.

Bruen, of course, bolstered our 2nd Amendment protections.  And a whole lot of courts, including here in Illinois, have thumbed their nose at it.

But opposing Bruen is NOT popular with the great majority of Americans, showing once more how out-of-touch the anti-gunners really are to everyday Americans.

Here’s some more data, digging deeper.

That’s right: a narrow majority of Democrats support Bruen.  And three-quarters of those registered to vote.

2 thoughts on “70% of America’s approve of Bruen’s national shall-issue decision… only 12% strongly oppose”
  1. Now if only the 51% of Dummycrats and 47% of people who know they’re liberal filth would stop voting for communists who want zero rights for everyone we would be much farther along.

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