How bad is Chicago?  In a nutshell, it has been bad for a long time, but it has only grown worse.  Almost eight years of a Team Soros prosecutor Kim Foxx’s non-prosecution of crime has nothing but exacerbated crime in general, and violent crime in particular.  Over the last dozen years it has led the nation in homicides.

WirePoints has the homicide data that the Chicagoland mainstream media doesn’t really want to share.

More recently, Mayor “Birdbrain” Brandon Johnson has successfully killed the “ShotSpotter” program which notified first responders to gunfire almost instantly.  Johnson claimed the program was racist in sending police to black and brown neighborhoods.  Nevermind that’s where the bulk of the gang violence occurs.

ShotSpotter sent law enforcement upon identifying gunfire and when victims were located, they received modern medical care saving lives.  Without ShotSpotter in these neighborhoods, people have bled out and died of their injuries – some not reported or discovered for 24 hours or more.  While not everyone sheds a lot of tears for gang bangers dying in the street while doing gang banger violence, sometimes innocents inadvertently become the backstops to errant rounds fired in America’s largest open-air shooting range.

Of course our radical Democrats running the state deny any responsibility for the crime and gang violence.  Hell, they can’t even acknowledge that the Prairie State is hemorrhaging productive individuals…  93,000 in 2023 alone.   From WirePoints:

Deputy Illinois Governor Andy Manar said this last week:

We haven’t had population loss. There have never been more people living in the State of Illinois than there is today. In the census there’s a thing called the post enumeration survey (PES) that shows that Illinois gained population. It’s a correction. and it’s a real correction from the Census Bureau…. Illinois is not losing people, it is gaining people.

It’s a claim Gov. JB Pritzker and his allies have made before.

It’s preposterous.

Manar has no basis for his claims and overwhelming evidence says, instead, that Illinois has lost population year after year, probably a decade. Making matters worse, Manar’s claim was blindly accepted by Better Government Association President David Greising who moderated the panel where Manar made the claim.

Dem pols also ignore the Chicago Public School system where supposedly 70-some percent graduate but most can’t read their diplomas.  It’s so bad that at a dozen or more CPS schools ZERO percent of students can read or do math.  Take a look at this graph from WirePoints.

Only the best students are taking the SAT, folks.

Of course, someone has to pay for poor public policy decisions of the Dems who have led Chicago in particular (and Illinois in General).  These include the plentiful employees of the public schools and all other government employees – and their gold-plated pensions.  Yes, taxpayers in general and property owners in particular.  Of course when people can’t afford skyrocketing property taxes, these same politicians have a message:  sell your house and move into a smaller one.

Read more about how bad Chicago has become over at WirePoints.


2 thoughts on “THE WILD WEST: Chicago’s descent into anarchy, high(er) taxes and even higher crime”
  1. Illannoy is not losing population, but we keep losing one congressional seat, and thus one electoral vote, after every census. Hmmm, why could that be?

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