You can’t hate the mainstream media enough.  Is it any wonder why Americans’ trust in the media is a (all-time?) lows?  Their latest, last-ditch Hail Mary to drag the feckless Kamala Harris across the finish line?  Associate President Trump with Hitler.  Because that’s what children do.  They label anyone they disagree with as Hitler.

From ZeroHedge:

This week, the far-left corporate media hate machine unleashed a ‘blitzkrieg’ of propaganda against the American people, a clear sign of desperation as polls increasingly point toward a favorable outcome for former President Trump this November.

New data from Bloomberg shows the story count for “Trump Hitler” in MSM jumped to a mindboggling 5,500 this week – the most massive total count in the ten years Deep State muppets in MSM have called Trump a Hitler/Nazi. This is a clear indication that Biden-Obama-Harris radicals and their billionaire funders are getting increasingly desperate.

Stinks like desperation too.

Check out this montage put together by Liz Churchill.

More from ZeroHedge:

Harris’ accusation that Trump “wants generals like Hitler had” is based on a hearsay claim from Gen. John KellyThis is the same man that Trump fired while in office for incompetence. The same man that claimed in 2023 that Trump called military casualties “suckers” and “losers.”  There is no proof to verify any of Kelly’s assertions.

Democrats defaulting to the ‘Trump is Hitler’ playbook are signs of desperation, especially after this…

3 thoughts on “‘MAINSTREAM’ MEDIA’S NARRATIVE SMELLS LIKE DESPERATION: Harris’ ‘Joy’ replaced with ‘Trump is Hitler’”
  1. hitler used gun control & anti-semitism to murder millions of ‘deplorables’ – crime-sha’s rat mofo party would like to do the same here in new haiti

  2. My wife has a lifelong friend who is Jewish. She’s one of the best friends anyone could have. I know she lost ancestors in Poland during the war and her very elderly parents have pictures of them in their home. I asked her what she thought about the comparison between Trump and Hitler. She finds it highly offensive that “Those f*ckin’ assholes have the nerve to compare Trump to someone who murdered so many people, and did so much damage to the world” ( her words ) for political gain. She used to be mildly liberal on most issues but thanks to Kamala those days are gone. She sees what a nice job the Dummycrats did with our country and now the Hitler thing, she’s done. I know she’s always since day one considered Pritzker a huge embarrassment to Jewish people because he’s such a total condescending phony. Every Jew and every person who lost someone in WW2 because of the mess Hitler started should feel insulted by this cheap political stunt.

  3. DemocRATS have nothing but “Trump-hate” to run on because they know their “policies and agenda” are contrary to the values and life experiences of America’s citizens and the Constitution. The ‘Rats believe that anyone they hate, everyone should hate and all they have is to demonize and “shame” any and all who do not believe as they do.
    Look at how Hussain Oblahma attempted to “shame” “his bruthas” into voting for the “DEI hire” Kommula. He only showed his true Marx personality and turned his former “worshipers” into believers of reality! HAHA! Can you say “backfire”? He shot himself in the rear end!! HAHAHA! I think we are watching the self-destruction of the democRAT-i-KKK PARTY!!!
    Pray for America that the majority of voters reject the Marxists and Kammunists (but I repeat myself).

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