At our Chicagoland GSL meeting, we enjoyed the company of a longtime government worker affiliated with the voting in Cook County.

While we don’t wish to identify this individual, we were told that early voting participation in Cook County is up between 60 and 150%, depending on the precinct compared to the 2020 election which they use as a “like” event.  (I believe that in the 2022 election, there was a 19% voter participation overall in Cook County, but I may be misremembering what was said.)

In short, people are motivated and then some to vote.  MUCH more so than in the last presidential election cycle.

We’ll see if it’s Kamala’s failed time in the Biden/Harris regime running America (into the dirt) has people motivated, or if it’s the appeals to fears and emotions (and the “Trump is evil” mind virus) that rules the day among those voting.