Here’s another social misfit radical leftist, who claims her name is Kate Gallion on social media, suffering a mental breakdown over President Trump’s re-election.  However, this mental breakdown has swerved hard past societal guardrails and into the land of criminal conduct.  She says she’s buying a gun to shoot white men in the streets at night.

Here’s a post that Libs of TikTok has helpfully shared with the FBI.  For whatever that’s worth.

Here’s more about this “woman.”

Her instagram profile:

Catfishing is representing yourself to be one thing when you’re something else.  Usually, online, it involves pictures from 20 years earlier (and 100 pounds lighter).  In this case, it’s outright fraud.

Yeah, imagine messaging across the internet with a women with that Instagram avatar and then showing up and meeting this at the door?

She doubled down on a second video too.


13 thoughts on “MAINTAIN SIT AWARENESS: Catfishing social misfit woman pledging to buy guns and shoot white men… doubles down in second video [VIDEOS]”
  1. Whoa! Talk about don’t put your penis in crazy! Unhinged boxwine bitch with her degrees framed in mahogany on the wall. She gonna die alone. That’s what a black heart grts you.

    1. She might die alone with her cars, then the cats will eat her body to stay alive. Look up “bat-poop crazy” in the dictionary and there is her picture. Wack-a-doodle to the core, a good reason to remain celibate if that is the best of the female species, just my humble opinion.

  2. Just another one that says she is leaving the country. Yeah, right.
    The painted on eyebrows are amusing. They kinda have a life of their own. Maybe they’re trying to get off of that face..

    1. Hey Gip,
      I listened to part of an after election street survey Friday. Tommy Toadstool proudly stated he was outta here, leaving the U.S., due to the presidential election results. When asked where he was going to go he told the interviewer – Hawaii. Think he was Big Red’s little brother?

  3. I want to thank Jboch for running a pro-police organization known as GSL. The partisan (republican) cycle is brilliant! Support the enforcement agents of gun control, then become a refuge for victims of gun control, ask for donations to keep the refuge going, blame your political opponents for the loss of rights. REPEAT

    The Democrats figured this out a long time ago.
    1. Create and/or advance the problem
    2. Blame someone else
    3. Go to the victims as their savior
    4. Play them as a useful idiot
    5. Maintain gullible supporters and donors for life

  4. I want to thank John Boch for establishing GSL and this great forum informing Firearm owners with a place where we can express our perspectives as well as read the hateful idiotic ramblings of a$$holes like the law-enforcement-hater “Boot Likker” (as above) who as a democRAT-i-KKK TROLL trying to disparage pro-firearm citizens with his/her propaganda spouting from demoCRAP-underground.
    It is good that we can read, or choose not to read, idiotic posts expressed by the likes of “Boot Likker”, and ignore or read the drivel, as we want.
    Thanks, John and all at GSL for all the hard work and insight you provide, may God Bless America and those who uphold our freedoms of speech and the Right to keep and bear arms!

    1. Will somebody red flag this clown before they declare the law unconstitutional? He’s going to hurt himself or others.

    2. It appears that kenny-boy is “Boot Likkker”, perhaps “Boot Likkker” is one of his “alter egos”, just sayin’.

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