Break out your MAGA hats, Trump shirts and flags.  Celebrate the fact that the pro-gun candidate won.  And that we’ll have four more years of solidly pro-gun Supreme Court and federal court appointments!

Besides, why should you be kind to those who hate you viscerally?  These are largely the same people who would fine those who chose not to get the China flu vaccine.  (So much for “My Body, My Choice!”)  Or put those same people under home confinement… or even imprison those who merely question the efficacy of the shot.  No wonder they want to take your guns first!

– Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters would oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. However, 55% of Democratic voters would support such a proposal, compared to just 19% of Republicans and 25% of unaffiliated voters.

– Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a proposal is opposed by 61% of all likely voters, including 79% of Republicans and 71% of unaffiliated voters.

– Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications. Only 27% of all voters – including just 14% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated voters – favor criminal punishment of vaccine critics.

I remember the day after the Great Steal in 2020 when some Trump haters put up all manner of nasty signs in the says after they had pulled off the steal.

Come to think of it, I need to break out my Trump flag.

I had just been pondering this when I ran across this from Townhall:

This Is Why You Should SHOVE Trump’s Win in the Faces of Kamala Supporters

I would have titled it with “Trump Haters” and not just “Kamala Supporters.”

No, you don’t have to be gracious or magnanimous to Democrats right now. Wear your MAGA gear. Shout Trump 2024. We won; they lost. Show no mercy, for you shall receive none. There is no way the liberal mind would have been gracious to us if Kamala had won. They’re too self-righteous and arrogant. Those who are condescending aren’t known for this, and a video made by a retired professor demonstrates why you don’t need to be nice to liberals in the aftermath of this MAGA landslide.

Meet ‘Arlene Unfiltered,’ who has since deleted her Twitter account because her 2024 projections got taken to the woodshed on election night. Arlene represents the worst of liberal America. She’s snotty and thought her higher education degree gave her some moral high ground that the Left never possessed. It’s now a hilarious story since she got raked over the coals for laughing in the face of a store worker at a liquor store who thought the race would be close. She was buying champagne for what she thought would be a Kamala win.

She claimed she was right because this race was coming down to abortion. As it turned out, not everyone is mentally challenged like Arlene. This woman thought Kamala would sweep all seven swing states. As it turned out, Trump won all of them. Kamala blew $1 billion to lose all seven swing states and the popular vote.

The condescension is oozing from this woman who laughed in this clerk’s face, saying that he wasted his vote because this wouldn’t be a close election. She also whipped out the ‘I know more than you because I’m a political analyst’ card. Arlene is a moron.

As it turns out, she was the one who ‘wasted’ her vote. We won. You lost. The Republicans will likely retain control of the House, and they flipped the Senate. The entire country, except for Washington, shifted rightward. Kamala didn’t outperform Biden in a single county on election night. Arlene…

People like Arlene are why you should be a**holes to Kamala supporters. They don’t respect you. Why should you return the favor? I’m just appalled that she wasted that champagne.


6 thoughts on “Celebrate your support of Donald Trump… No need to hide it to protect delicate little snowflakes who hate you!”
  1. It is easy to see the Trump supporters as opposed to the pathetic Marx-loving, baby-killing Kommie-la sycophants; young Trump supporters are attractive, normal-looking guys and gals, on the other hand, Kommie-la’s crowd appear they want to “uglify” themselves. Pretty obvious they don’t like themselves as God made them, or perhaps Satan has control of their soul and wants to destroy God’s creation. Just my humble observation, for what it’s worth.
    And the arrogant “political science professor” (she is fugly as well), is too biased and indoctrinated into democRAT politics, I imagine her “classes” are no less that “propaganda sessions” for the democRATS.

  2. I have a young ( 24 yrs. old ) woman coworker who is Conservative to the core and very pro gun, pro family, etc. she proudly posts her support for Trump on social media and youngsters like her live on social media. Yesterday she mentioned she’s got liberal loons hammering her online, even a demented older woman “stalker” who won’t lay off with the insults. I think she secretly likes gloating and rubbing it in HAHAHAHA !!!!!! She’s having a great time !!!!!

  3. Let us abort all the democrats, rinos, and never trumpers. Why not MAKE this election about abortion? To all the former a hearty FU, don’t cross my path you will not enjoy what you receive.

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