The Great Guns 2025 tickets are now available!

John posted an update about the GSL drawing…  amuse yourself with how he evades the algorithms that censor gun-related content at the tubes.

Yeah, you can’t even say it because they convert the spoken word into text and then they search for “bad words.”  No, not the seven or eight dirty words like George Carlin used to use.

Anyway, tickets are now available at GSL meetings for the Tactical BBQ GSL-19 pistol.  They’re also available by mail.

$10 each or 5 for $40.

From the original post (with some updates):

He’s working to hit 10,000 subscribers by next year and pledges to sweeten the pot if he hits that goal ahead of the drawing.

It’s a package deal, too. Gun, holster, mags, hard case, mag pouches, a Case EDC blade, a Fenix PD-36R Pro tactical flashlight (added by John Boch) and two boxes – real, 50-round boxes, not the 20-round boxes that pass as a box of ammo today in stores – of Winchester Ranger LE self-defense ammo (124-gr +P).  Also courtesy of Mr. Boch.

And this one can be yours. Tickets are $10 each or 5/$40. You can pick them up at meetings starting in December.

Can’t make it to a meeting, but want to win this gun for as little as $10? Send a check to the address below and GSL’s Treasurer Joanne Chandler will send you back your stubs if you include a SASE. If you’re late, we’ll return your check.

Attn: Great Guns 2025
Guns Save Life
PO Box 8
Clinton, IL 61727

Huge thanks to Mr. Wayward Son for this project!

By the way, subscribe to his Wayward Son Custom Guns YouTube channel.