We’re beyond frustrated with the US Postal Service.  Our publication is effectively being shadow-banned even though we’re paying THOUSANDS each month to the Postal Service to deliver GunNews to our members in a timely manner.  It’s not rocket science to figure this out.  Sure, we have some members who occasionally report issues coming 30, 60 or even 90 days after we mail them.  Yet everyone else gets theirs in the “normal” few days (3-7 days seems the norm) for those within a hundred-plus miles of Peoria where they are dropped at the USPS facility there.

Just for your trivial pursuit amusement, GunNews is printed late in the evening on the third Tuesday each month.  They are delivered to the Peoria main Post Office usually before 9am the following morning.

Several times in the past few years (maybe a half-dozen now?) everyone’s copies of GunNews arrive 30, 60, 90 or in one case about 120 days after we mailed it.  That tells us that someone at the Peoria USPS office is criminally side-lining a pallet or more of GunNews for weeks before moving them along in the sorting process.  This most recently happened in the issue headlined, “TRUMP WON!  GSL WON!”  That (December) issue began arriving a couple of days before Christmas, after they were delivered to the USPS on Wednesday, November 20th.  And no, Thanksgiving wasn’t until 8 days later.

Here’s the deal:  I think it’s time to have some of our friends in Congress look into this.  And if the problem persists beyond that, I suspect we’ll email GunNews to our members.  Don’t have an email address?  It’s long past time to learn a new trick and get one.  You effectively need an email address to get a FOID card.  You can use that same one for GunNews.

It’ll save us many tens of thousands of dollars each year and remove a constant, nagging worry (to say nothing of scores of calls and emails about “My GunNews hasn’t arrived”) about the special snowflakes at the Peoria Post Office engaging in their own #resistance campaign against your gun rights, to say nothing of our right to free speech.

Anyway, here’s the latest issue of GunNews.  Because our issue, mailed early December 18th, hasn’t arrived in our mailbox either, a dozen days later.


4 thoughts on “GunNews is available… since the Post Office can’t deliver it in a timely manner…”
  1. Check-out the recent CSPAN-3 video of the Postmaster General being raked over the coals by a Georgia Congressman about poor and inept services. PG subsequently throws his hands up over his ears like a little kid. And he was paid $533,146 last year.

  2. The USPS is an old dinosaur that needs to be put to rest. .. have heard it soon will be. .. good riddance. Years ago I did an application for a delivery driver. .. handed my app to the Rochester postal clerk. After not receiving a date to take the exam I called the USPS to see what was up. .. was told they’d never rcvd my app & that I’d missed the exam. .. called Rochester. He called back saying, “They have your app down there.” .. talked to a friend postmaster. .. said there was no reason to follow up as no one would look into the complaint. Apparently there is NO accountability @ the USPS. Since that appears to be the case, from what my insider is telling me along with my own experience, the sooner the USPS is eliminated the better. We don’t need it. We have the internet, FedEx & UPS. I’ve had issues with all. The difference between them & the USPS is that problems I’ve had get resolved with the latter. The USPS is obviously mismanaged. Time-no, past time-for it to go. I encourage all ” Gun’s News” subscribers to IMMEDIATELY switch over to receiving their publication through the ‘net vs through the mail to eliminate this tiresome problem of receiving their “GunNews” late. The clowns & the USPS can eat cake!

  3. I got my January issue today December 31, 2024. I got December about ten days ago. A few others are reporting they are getting January. Good work John.

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