Our current GSL website server runs like it’s back in the 1990s.  On dialup.  Posting is a real chore.  I think I’d rather do a colonoscopy prep AND the procedure than set up a couple days’ posts.

We’ll let you know when it’s done and it’s up and running more smoothly than our current box.

2 thoughts on “I WANNA NEW SERVER FOR CHRISTMAS: New GSL Server coming soon. Very soon.”
  1. Get one that doesn’t have a censor button.

    Happy New Year everyone May the new year bring us a nation that actually respects the second amendment!

  2. .. should be put to rest & replaced with words of praise. .. did its job in its day & let’s face it, everything runs its course even us two-legged critters. .. shouldn’t curse the old so much as we should bless the new.

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