Does the name Vidkun Quisling (pictured above) ring a bell? If not, here’s a quick history lesson, or a refresher for those who recognize that infamous name. From Wiki:
Quisling (/ˈkwɪzlɪŋ/, Norwegian: [ˈkvɪ̂slɪŋ]) is a term used in Scandinavian languages and in English to mean a citizen or politician of an occupied country who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor or collaborator.[1][2][3] The word originates from the surname of the Norwegian war-time leader Vidkun Quisling (1887–1945), who headed a domestic Nazi collaborationist regime during World War II.
Yes, in short, a traitor who collaborates with the enemy. And in Illinois, those who would strip gun owners of their fundamental Constitutional right to keep and bear arms are the enemy.
Yesterday, we posted a video from Greg Bishop discussing the new gun confiscation measure that passed “with bipartisan support.” A number of supposedly pro-gun Republicans voted for gun confiscations without due process. This included the leader of the Republicans in the Illinois Senate, John Curran.
Yeah, what a scumbag. Hey John Boy, do you really think Guns Save Life is going to participate in your Senate Campaign Committee fundraiser this year? Your predecessor screwed the pooch telling the Senate caucus to “vote their conscience” on gun control a few years ago and we bowed out after facilitating tens of thousands of dollars in support for the campaign fund. The predecessor’s emissaries tried to convince us to reconsider, but we remained adamant.
At Guns Save Life, we don’t do the “battered spouse” thing. You slap us with a vote like that and not ever going to support you or your goddamn fundraisers in any way. After votes like this? We’re going to play the roll of burr under your saddle.
These people deserve to be tarred and feathered. Just wait until their next election cycle… I can’t wait to hear them tell us how much they support the Second Amendment. And how they need you to go out and vote and for all your friends to vote for them as well. And to write checks or knock on doors.
No, they can go self-procreate. With a rusty chainsaw. Yes, even Mrs. America.
As for you gun owners who donate to the Illinois Republican Party? If you get a solicitation from John Curran, throw it in the trash. Don’t donate to people who vote to take your guns away without so much as a due process hearing. Ditto for the House Republican Campaign Committee. Or any of those individual candidates listed below. They deserve scorn and derision, not our hard-earned dollars.
Here’s the roster of Republicans, courtesy of Kevin (thank you sir!), who voted for this unconstitutional gun grab.
In the Senate:
Yes – Curran; DeWitte; Harriss, E; Lewis; Rezin; and Wilcox.
Curran, as we mentioned yesterday is the leader of the Senate Republican Caucus. With leadership like his, who needs Democrats, right?
Sue Rezin is the deputy minority leader of the Senate Republican Caucus.
Senator Erica Harris serves from Southern Illinois. You would think she would know better than to stab gun owners in the back. And while Craig Wilcox isn’t from the heart of Illinois, he’s from Woodstock, which isn’t exactly situated in Cook County.
In the House:
Haas; La Ha; Sanalitro; Sheehan; and Stephens.
Jackie Haas from Kankakee. What a sweetheart. Assistant Republican leader. OMG.
Nicole La Ha: Her claim to fame? She was Mrs. America 2022 with a district office in Lamont, IL. Whirled peas and all that. Thanks for your vote to disarm gun owners, Nicole.
Jennifer Sanalitro: What is it with these women voting for this bill? Are they voting with feelings and emotions?
Patrick Sheehan was a cop for 20 years. You would think he would understand. Maybe he’ll understand fewer resources for his next campaign.
Brad Stephens… assistant Republican leader. Holy Crikes. Another in Republican leadership. Showing exactly what’s wrong with the establishment GOP in Illinois.
TWO in the leadership of the House Republicans voted for this gun grab. Two.
Remember that when you get mailings or phone calls asking you to write big checks to support the Republican House Campaign Committee.
If these turncoats don’t feel the heat, they won’t see the light.
In my opinion everyone of these turncoats needs to receive, 100 phone calls, explaining to them our concerns and disappointments.
keep sucking gun control dick & swallowing, assholes
You talk about dick sucking a lot. Are you a psychologically projecting from the closet? You’ll find what you ‘need’ at Steamworks Chicago. I’m sure you know what and where that is. If not, an easy search finds it immediately.
My Jan issue of GunNewx showed up yday. As for Republicans? Until they grt their shit together I am done. I would rather put that money towards moving exoenses.
Well said… put what would have gone to political donations to your moving expenses fund.
This particular news item should be saved and rerun during the next election season as
a reminder to all the members of GSL. I would think these politicians are betting that gun owners will forget all about this by the time re-election time roll around.
True. The election is almost two years away for the House members. Maybe four for some of the Senators. That’s a lifetime in politics.
Thank you for the endless stream of entertainment on this website. You gullible republican voters think that party is here for you. I’ve got news for you, even the ones that voted against this bill will turn around and 100% support the police that conduct these raids and confiscations because when forced to choose between you OR the police, they will support the police EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. How many times do you republican voters have to be told that the PARTY is only using YOU to get into office then they will, as the article states, STAB YOU IN THE BACK to favor the state and throw you the gun owner under the bus. This is what you get for voting for the “lessor of two evils.” You asked for it!
Republicans think voting is binary. R or D. There are 3rd parties, independents OR just refuse to support any candidates for office unless they deliver my worldview. I guess Republicans are called narrow minded for a reason. And it doesn’t serve them. It screws them. Oh well. Told ya so!
@ 650: politicians will do anything to ensure their power & income, hence the descriptive terminology. fuck off, dindu
Illinois Republicans once again prove why they are the minority party in Illinois. Supporting no-due-process against their own voters is just clueless.
Dumbass RINOS
Anyone expect anything better from IL turds?