The ICE illegal alien tip line is so stupid busy that the queue to speak to a representative is overflowing with callers. And the overflow callers are told to call back later or go to the online ICE tip form page. And then the call is disconnected.
The online form can be found here.
Among the questions:
Please check the violation that best applies
Clearly and obviously there’s a new sheriff in town.
For those who are interested in the term alien and Birthright citizenship, read something Mark Alexander wrote 14 years ago:
I don’t like the fact that he just skips conveniently into his conclusion over the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” clause. I also don’t like that those original sources of the Clause skipped conveniently over defining it and the definitions they attempted to offer are well beyond circular definitions they are circuitous definitions that is the use the term to define itself and never actually get around to defining it. This is going to take some very serious intellectual discourse at the Supreme Court level to resolve.