Ladies and Gentlemen:  Even though the US Postal Service has actually delivered many (if not most) of the February 2025 issues of GunNews Magazine in a timely manner this month, we present you an online version you can share with your friend, family, co-workers and maybe even your anti-gun relatives.

It can be found here.

Our cover story reports on the gun confiscation without due process bill passed by the Illinois General Assembly in the dead of night on their way out of the door in the lame duck session.  The Governor has vowed to sign it.

Inside, we have some great stories including out regular contributors, along with a Hurricane Helene AAR about what works especially well in the aftermath of an massive disaster, how mental health therapy can make a huge difference for those victimized by violent crime and how GSL won in court (again!).  We also recap the coming Islamic Terror attacks planned on America’s homeland, church safety and security and a great story by one of our newest contributors, Ken Frey, on the .32 S&W.

GunNews remains one of the best grassroots gun right publications in the nation – hands down.

You can get your copy each month in the mail (some months even in a very timely manner!) by joining Guns Save Life here.  Your membership will help us defend YOUR right to defend yourself.  All for $30 per year.   And you can sign up a friend for just $20 more!

GSL is facing some financial challenges of late, in big part to extensive outlays for lawyers in our lawsuit challenging the PICA gun and ammo ban.  That’s right.  We don’t just talk the talk.  We walk the walk until it hurts.  That’s just how dedicated we are to defending your right to defend yourself.

SPOILER ALERT:  Our membership dues are going up to $40 per annum in May.  We haven’t changed our dues in probably 25 years, and if you haven’t noticed, postage has gone up dramatically.  How dramatically?  In 2000, it cost 33 cents to send a first-class letter.  Today?  It’s $.73.  Double and plenty more.  Printing costs have gone up as well.  Along with everything else.

So here’s the February 2025 issue.  Read, enjoy and please join the GSL family.


3 thoughts on “GunNews, the February 2025 edition, available now for download!”
  1. I got the Feb. 2025 edition in the mail, earlier this week, now today I just got the December 2024 edition in the mail. The USPS is pathetic!

  2. Is this the first month for GunNews in pdf?
    I’ve looked through the site, only see the blog with the link.

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