When you see the Illinois Firearms Association, please don’t think scammers and grifters. Please don’t think of them as frauds either.

With that out of the way, we thought the Illinois Firearms Association (IFA) had packed its professional fundraising bags and went back home to Georgia. Alas, they have not. Or maybe they just thought they could fool another round of Land of Lincoln gun owners into sending them money with a new claim of impending doom.

The latest claim of the Dorr Brothers, famous for fleecing well-meaning gun owners of donations?

Here’s our big story about the infamous brothers’ Dorr:

GRIFT, INC.: Dorr Brothers come to Illinois fundraising for the ‘Illinois Firearms Association’

Don’t just take our word for it.  Go read the story over at The Trace.  Yes, I know it’s Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop website, but they touch the tip of the Dorr Brothers’ iceberg.

Their latest in the Land of Lincoln?  “Governor Pritzker wants to register every round of ammo that we buy! Help us stop him!”

Well, that’s not exactly it. On their envelope, they write it in all caps.

Ammo is plentiful right now, and as cheap as it’s ever going to get. You should be buying it “cheap” and stacking it deep.  Want to round out your supply of self-defense and practice ammo?  Hit your local gun shop.  Want to buy online?  Try Ammo2Go (from the Volunteer State) or Locked and Loaded (in Pana, IL!).

Nobody’s going to require you to register every round of ammo. Not today, tomorrow or the next day, regardless if you send a small fortune to the Dorr Brothers’ do-next-to-nothing front group known as the IFA or not.

If you want to donate to legitimate pro-gun organizations in Illinois, particularly ones that are actually getting things done and winning victories, we can offer a couple of suggestions: Guns Save Life, the Second Amendment Defense and Education Coalition, FFL-IL and the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

If you want to send money to the IFA, that’s your choice, but you’ll just be (greatly) increasing your junk mail if you do. Your donation to IFA will paint you as an easy mark for the rest of the Dorr Brothers fundraising scams schemes, for starters.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: IL Firearms Association Fundraising in full swing

GRIFTERS? IL Firearms Association blankets state with duplicate fundraising mailings




Illinois Firearms Association laying low after GSL’s exposé of their grift-like fundraising entrance to the Land of Lincoln


2 thoughts on “LIKE BEDBUGS, ONLY LESS USEFUL: Illinois Firearms Association returns with more fundraising mailings targeting well-meaning gun owners’ pocketbooks”
  1. Like a bad over-priced penny (costs 3 cents to produce/make a 1 cent penny); scammers never give up. “Caveat emptor” (buyer beware), it is your “over-valued” funds (thanks to “Bribe-im-flation”) supporting those you donate to.

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