Guns Save Life members receive GunNews each month in the US Mail.  Our humble little publication is nationally known for great content each and every month.  “Must read stuff,” people often say of our modest publication.  Inside each issue is educational material to not only make you a better, more-informed gun owner, but it can help keep you out of jail too.  This content, provided by both our resident member experts, guest contributors and some of the best content from the web is why we’ve built our reputation for such a solid publication.  In fact, GunNews has also helped us build a very successful, very pro-active grassroots gun rights organization in the Land of Lincoln.

Here’s our most recent issue.  It’s well worth your time to read.

Meanwhile, the Illinois State Rifle Association has The Illinois Shooter.  It’s published quarterly, not monthly.   We’ve shared the stark contrast between it and GunNews in the past and this month, that trend continues.  Here’s the cover from their Winter 2025 edition, just published.  (I still haven’t gotten it in the mail…  I wonder if they’re facing the same problems with social justice warriors in the USPS “misplacing” their publications, too.)

You can read the whole thing here.

Three plus weeks ago, the Illinois General Assembly passed what some might describe as our state’s first ever GUN CONFISCATION WITHOUT DUE PROCESS legislation.  So what does the ISRA trumpet on their front page?  The story of the BATF’s boob of a leader under Joe Biden leaving his post.  OMG.  That’s breaking news.  In other news, water is wet and the sun rises in the East most days.

Here’s this month’s cover from GunNews:


And since the ISRA’s publication is quarterly, here are the two front pages of our journal before this current issue.  See if you can spot the difference.

Is it any wonder why our membership numbers continue to grow slowly and steadily and the demand for GunNews keeps growing with each passing month?

To join GSL and receive GunNews in the mail (at least when the USPS decides they want to deliver it), you can sign up here.  We would love to welcome you to the family and help you steer clear of victimization from both criminals and the criminal justice system.  We’ll defend your right to defend yourself.  And we’ll leave the reporting on also-ran “news” to the others.

9 thoughts on “ISRA’s Journal vs. GSL’s GunNews: Stark differences in coverage, priorities”
  1. I wouldn’t know about ISRA’s fuddy newspaper as I quit renewing when that thing happened at IGOLD ten years ago. Glad I was gone when tgey sold out their remaining members for a “seat at the table” with antigun pols. If there was ever anything worthwhike in it I might have read it when they sent it. GunNews ain’t perfect but it is pretty damn good.

  2. Did you read The Shooter? Page after page of competitive shooting recaps. The workd is going to hell and ISRA’s priority is page after page of competition stuff. I see no need to join again.

  3. I chose well joining GSL. Not only are the people at the meetings great, but I learn things and have a fun time. GunNews really is outstanding. I read it more than I read the NRA Freedom First mag. Never joined ISRA. But that first peek at their publication was less than awe-inspiring. They surely love their competition stuff, like Sam wrote above.

  4. They stab us in the back and then want us to keep going to the IGOLD gatherings to fight for our rights. Don’t think so.

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