by John Boch
GSL Executive Director
Republican Quislings.
Color me unimpressed with the Republican leadership in the Illinois House and Senate who voted for gun confiscations without due process. They apparently didn’t read the memo about not sodomizing your donors and core constituents.
They may have thought, “Oh, my voters will forget about it by the time the next election rolls around.” They do have a point. 18 months is effectively a generation in the political world.
However, Guns Save Life will remind gun owner voters over and over about this back stabbing stunt throughout 2025 and 2026.
Sure, getting your home searched as part of an Order of Protection will only happen to maybe ten or twenty thousand people each year, but if you’re one of those folks, it’s a really big deal. Especially if it’s a baseless allegation that a judge used to sign off on the Order and the search warrant.
There’s no penalty for false allegations in these cases. Moreover, these emergency Orders of Protection are commonly used as a negotiating tactic to gain leverage in child custody and property settlement proceedings during divorces in our state. Hopefully you and your spouse will live happily ever after. But the stats suggest there’s a much greater than zero chance you won’t.
We at Guns Save Life don’t make good battered spouses. You stab us in the back with votes like this, we don’t forgive and forget. Instead, we pay you back. If the leadership of the House and Senate are so far gone to think that they can vote against law-abiding gun owners’ fundamental 2A rights, they don’t deserve your hard-earned money for their campaigns. Don’t donate money or your time and talents. Don’t donate to the Illinois Republican Party until they get their heads on straight. Don’t donate to the House and Senate Campaign funds.
Donate only to individual candidates who don’t stab you in the back. Not even with the tip of the blade. The Republican caucus in the House and Senate might need to shrink by four or five members before the rest of them learn not to shiv their donors, friends and allies.
Inauguration Day had me giddy. I had the champagne chilling. Yeah, I’m on a pretty strict diet, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime celebration. Good riddance to the freak show clowns and radical extremist appointees that were the Biden regime. The adults have returned. I’ve also had my popcorn with plenty of butter on top. The liberal tears kept me warm even with the temps in the single-digits.
GSL won in court… again. But…
You’ll see a story or two about GSL winning in court again, striking down the Cook County gun and ammo tax ordinance. For the second time in four years. Problem is the bureaucrats in Cook County have told our team they have no intention of ceasing collections of the taxes.
All I know is that people a whole lot smarter than me are saying that those Cook County officials are flirting with federal civil rights lawsuits for Deprivation of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority.
Rest assured we are not throwing up our hands and walking away. Far from it.
Thank you.
Thanks to our members for helping make our wins possible in a host of ways. Thanks even to some non-members who help GSL in countless small ways alongside our members. While I know the word snowflake has a bad connotation today, but the little good works our friends and family members do are like snowflakes falling from the sky. And a whole lot of those snowflakes together can and do turn into an avalanche with the right circumstance. Right now, our litigation is like an avalanche that the gun grabbers are trying to avoid. Again, thank you for all that you do. It might seem insignificant or small, but I assure you it adds up.
Intolerance for violent crime goes a long way to discouraging it…
Have you noticed the great disparity between how the people in Cook County tolerate crime compared to those downstate? If you haven’t let me share an example involving homicides.
In Normal, IL a man was convicted for killing another man. The judge effectively threw the book at him, handing him an 87-year sentence in McLean County Court. He won’t return from his vacation in a lockup anytime soon.
Meanwhile, in a Chicago homicide case, cops nabbed a man and the courts found him guilty of two homicides and shooting seven additional folks. Thankfully they survived. How many years did he get? Would you believe 43 years for the whole thing? It’s true.
Serious violent crime in Chicago just isn’t taken as seriously as it is in the downstate Illinois. It’s just another reason why they have so much more crime there in Murder City USA.
I’ve always thought that one of our biggest problems with ousting our Democrat overlords is VOTER APATHY. Having someone tell me that they don’t vote because their vote doesn’t count gets really old real fast or Chicago votes outnumber our votes so why bother? Those people are right but for the wrong reason. Their vote doesn’t count because they don’t cast it. Getting our side off of the couch is a real problem. BUT, Trump’s landslide victory is proof that your vote counts. Our new battle cry should be “I’m voting, get out of my way”