Unbelievably Mayor “Let’s Go Brandon” Johnson’s legal team “negotiated” a $1.25M settlement with the family of a would-be cop killer.  Dexter Reed pulled out his gun instead of his license (assuming he had a valid driver’s license) and blasted away at Chicago cops who pulled him over.  The boys in blue did the only polite thing:  they shot back at the blazing bastard trying to kill them.  And they shot better.




Dexter Reed did after face-planting on the pavement, having run out of one of his shoes, with lots of pretty new perforations, some of which wrecked his tats.

Somehow the leftists in Chicago tried to spin this as the cops were the bad guy, putting down a man trying to kill them.  Indeed, Dexter wounded one of the officers during the short shoot-out.

Now, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  At least the old analog clocks anyway.  To wit:  The Chicago Tribune, the failing bastion of left-leaning (bordering on lunatic left at times) reporting has dished up an editorial that actually supports common sense.  They’re urging the hard left Chicago City Council to put some lead in their pencils and tell Dexter Reed’s ambulance chasing attorneys to go pound sand.

From The Trib:

The City Council should not approve the proposed $1.25 million settlement to the survivors of Dexter Reed, shot dead last March by Chicago police after he opened fire on them.
This is not to say that all the actions surrounding the traffic stop of the 26-year-old Reed in Humboldt Park on that fateful day were appropriate and shouldn’t be second-guessed. A group of five officers, dressed not in uniform but in tactical clothing and gear, surrounded Reed’s car for reasons that remain unclear (and are still under investigation).
Ordered to get out of his car, Reed refused and instead rolled up his darkly tinted windows. The situation escalated quickly, with Reed shooting at the officers from inside his car and hitting one (thankfully not fatally). Officers opened fire in return, and Reed staggered out of his car and was shot to death.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, the agency that investigates allegations of police misconduct and recommends disciplinary action, released the horrifying video within a few weeks. Andrea Kersten, COPA’s chief administrator, then went on an ill-advised media tour in which she shared preliminary conclusions she’d drawn about what the officers had done wrong.
Much of the initial criticism of the cops focused on the number of shots they fired in rapid fashion — 96 bullets in 41 seconds, as numerous headlines trumpeted.
Is this the one where the media claimed it was 96 shots, but they neglected to consider than 16 rounds of that was fired by the pistol-packing perp trying to kill police officers?
[Blah blah blah snipped]
When you shoot at police officers, you bear at least most of the responsibility for what happens next. And the next time police shoot and kill someone who shoots first at them, how will the city defend itself from that lawsuit, having capitulated in this one?
Since the mayor’s Law Department isn’t going to do it, the City Council should draw that line in the sand and reject the settlement.

Yeah, no kidding.

Here’s the video.


3 thoughts on “LOOK! HELL FROZE OVER! Chicago Tribune calls on city to REJECT $1.25M settlement with family of would-be cop killer who got his just desserts”
  1. Ghetto lottery? Who wants to bet that whomever “negotiated” that settlement will get a cut on back end?

  2. Good riddance to that piece of shit. The turd I dropped this morning had more value than Dexter Reed ever did. Leave it to turd head Brandin Johnson to try and give Reed’s dysfunctional family a consolation prize for trying to kill cops.

  3. Legal Beagles For $500, Alex.
    Alex: Ahh, the Daily Double!
    Answer: To propose an out of court settlement for just $1.25M.
    Question: Why is there a lawyer trying to avoid depositions???

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