The Second Amendment Foundation came out with a piece lauding President Trump’s Executive Order setting the stage to roll back Biden’s war on our guns.  After it, we’ll share our shopping list of what we want to see happen.

BELLEVUE, Wash. (SAF/CCRKBA) — Feb. 7, 2025 — The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) join in congratulating President Donald Trump for his Executive Order Friday protecting Second Amendment Rights.

“It is reassuring that after four long years of the executive branch assaulting our Second Amendment rights that the Trump Administration is investigating avenues to undo the damage inflicted by the prior administration,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “We look forward to seeing tangible results benefiting gun owners and the individual liberty of every American.”

“We are delighted that President Trump is following through on his promises to gun owners during the campaign,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We are particularly grateful to see he is directing the Attorney General to examine all orders, regulations and other actions taken by the Biden administration affecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens during Joe Biden’s entire term in office.”

President Trump’s executive order covers all actions during the period from January 2021 through January 2025 pertaining to firearms and/or federal firearms licensees. The order focuses on rules promulgated by the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives during that time period, and also directs the Attorney General to review reports and related documents issued by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which President Trump has abolished.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris waged war on American gun owners and the Second Amendment for four long years,” Gottlieb recalled, “treating the right to keep and bear arms like a government-regulated privilege. That ended January 20, and we are looking ahead to actions by the Trump administration which will reverse Biden’s policies and correct the harm he has done.”

For the record, we at Guns Save Life concur.  But we see this as a start, not and end.

What else are we lobbying for?  And I assure you we are lobbying and we might just have a bigger input that some others.

Here’s what’s on our agenda…

  1.  National Reciprocity.  This is long overdue.  Yes, we know it will have to be added to an Omnibus Bill because it will never get through the Senate’s current 60-vote threshold to go to a final vote.  (Helpful hint:  Anyone fundraising off the introduction of the stand-alone bill should be shamed.  Everyone who is anyone knows that bill isn’t going anywhere in its current form.)
  2. Suppressors should come out of the National Firearms Act.  At worst they should be regulated similar to firearms, but frankly, they should become legal accessories.
  3. States should face federal pressure to standardize legalization of suppressors or face federal funds curtailment.  The feds did this for drinking age using the power of the purse, why not for suppressors too?
  4. Either short-barreled rifles come out of the NFA or the BATF publicly announce that support braces are legal accessories, not felonies.
  5. Repeal the 922(r) regulation.  (Dealing with who makes X many parts of certain imported firearms).
  6. Set up some sort of personal liability for politicians who willfully ignore the Second Amendment to pass gun restrictions in their state/local jurisdictions thinking that they will do so to force gun owners to spend years litigating in courts to strike down the unconstitutional regulations.  Attach PERSONAL financial liability for 1983 violations for these local/county/state officials, only in such a way it doesn’t require an act of Congress to prosecute such a complaint.  Limit their ability to have taxpayers pay for their legal defense.  Ditto for law enforcement officers who violate their oaths to enforce said edicts.
  7. End federal government funding of any sort for “gun violence” studies, or gun control organizations or their subsidiaries.  (Is it possible to claw back some of those funds they’ve enjoyed in the recent past?  Probably not… but worth a shot.)
  8. Repeal the “sporting purposes” import regulations.

What is the “sporting purposes” test?  From Google.

The sporting purposes test is a criteria used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to determine if a firearm can be imported into the United States. The test is based on the 1968 Gun Control Act, which restricts the importation of firearms unless they are suitable for sporting purposes. 

How does the test work? 

    • The ATF considers the firearm’s type, barrel length, overall length, and other factors
    • The ATF conducts studies to determine if specific firearms are suitable for sporting purposes
    • The ATF may use criteria from previous studies to determine if a firearm meets the sporting purposes test
Examples of firearms that have failed the sporting purposes test 

    • Semiautomatic assault weapons with military features like bayonet mounts, pistol grips, and grenade launchers
    • Firearms with large capacity magazines designed for military assault weapons
What happens if a firearm fails the sporting purposes test? 

    • The ATF may ban the importation of the firearm

    • The ATF may require the firearm to be modified to remove military features

Bonus round:

  • Remove Short-barreled rifles, shotguns and machine guns from the National Firearms Act.  So-called “destructive devices”?  We’ll be back for those later.  Alternatively, as a compromise for now: open the NFA to an amnesty period and allow registration of machine guns and similar.


Double bonus:

  • Repeal the NFA altogether.
5 thoughts on “TRUMP’S SECOND AMENDMENT EXEC ORDER: TEN (10) Things Guns Save Life would like to see happen next…”
  1. “And I assure you we are lobbying and we might just have a bigger input that some others.”

    I sincerely hope you do. A bunch of gun bloggers and YouTubers boast about how they know Don Jr. and how they’ve drank bourbon and smoked cigars with him. If that’s the case, why aren’t they calling him up and pitching these ideas to him so that he can relay this stuff to his Dad? Also, why isn’t Don Jr. telling his Dad to put Brandon Herrera in as the ATF director?

  2. get rid of the atf_*******, permanently…along with their d-sucking 4473
    no gfz in america, except for criminal-holding areas & courts in session
    get rid of the fbi-*******, permanently

  3. They had a cigar with Don Junior? Beats nothing. Trump has bigger fish to clean & fry than the 2A. Everything not focused on DOGE is background noise at moment.

  4. keep your badge/lawyer/politician/robe-****** asses out of 2a…shall not be infringed, mofos. fuck you, your foids, & 4473.

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