Wait, what? John Boch speaking at an ISRA chapter meeting?
It’s true.
The Illinois State Rifle Association has launched a new grassroots chapter in Streator, IL. It’s headed up by a couple of ladies from our GSL LaSalle County steering committee. They’re bringing some of that same energy and excitement they bring to GSL to the new ISRA grassroots chapter.
The meeting will take place at South Post Guns in Streator.
South Post was a really nice gun shop before they even started their expansion project. Now that the expansion and the new range are complete and running it’s incredible, especially for a smallish town. They have a state of the art showroom, a state-of-the-art indoor range and they offer Class 3 machine gun rentals! Yeah, it’s kind of a destination location.
Anyway, on Saturday even, February 22, I’ll be attending and speaking, along with Keatin Foor, a youth civics leader from Southern Illinois.
It’ll be fun.
Here’s the poster promoting it.
So basically Mr. Boch and the Patriot ladies of GSL LaSalle will be showing the ISRA how to grow a spine and a set of balls rather than be a Fudd / cuckold fake gun rights outfit that begs Moms Can’t Get No Action to let us have some of our gun rights ( If it’s ok with them ) after bootlicking for a “seat at the table”.